# translation of abook_import_export.po to Frisian
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Rinse de Vries <rinsedevries@kde.nl>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: abook_import_export\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-07-22 19:44+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-14 11:56+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Rinse de Vries <rinsedevries@kde.nl>\n"
"Language-Team: Frisian <squirrelmail-i18n@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: address_book_export.php:90
#: address_book_import.php:177
msgid "You must use different symbols for text and field delimiters."
msgstr "Brûk ferskillende symboalen foar tekst- en fjildskiedingstekens."

#: address_book_export.php:91
#: address_book_export.php:100
#: address_book_import.php:113
#: address_book_import.php:375
#, php-format
msgid "Return to main %sAddress Book%s page."
msgstr "Werom nei haad %sadresboek%s side"

#: address_book_export.php:99
msgid "Selected address book is empty."
msgstr "Selektearre adresboek is leech."

#. Detect PHP 4.2.0+ upload error codes (http://www.php.net/features.file-upload.errors)
#: address_book_import.php:85
msgid "Please select a file for uploading."
msgstr "Selektearje in triem foar opladen."

#: address_book_import.php:89
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds PHP upload_max_filesize limits."
msgstr "De opladen triem is mear as de limyt fan PHP upload_max_filesize."

#: address_book_import.php:92
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML."
msgstr "De opladen triem is mear as de MAX_FILE_SIZE  oanwizing dy't yn de HTML-koade omskreaun is."

#: address_book_import.php:95
msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."
msgstr "De opladen triem is mar foar in part ynladen."

#: address_book_import.php:98
msgid "No file was uploaded."
msgstr "Der is gjin triem opladen."

#: address_book_import.php:101
msgid "Missing a temporary directory."
msgstr "Der mist in tydlike map."

#: address_book_import.php:104
msgid "Failed to write file to disk."
msgstr "Skriuwen nei de skiif is mislearre."

#: address_book_import.php:107
msgid "Unknown upload error."
msgstr "Unbekende oplaadfout."

#: address_book_import.php:116
msgid "Upload error"
msgstr "Oplaadfout"

#. i18n: %s displays 'somenumber B', 'somenumber KB' or 'somenumber MB'.
#: address_book_import.php:119
#, php-format
msgid "Imported CSV file is too big. Contact your system administrator, if you want to import files, that are bigger than %s."
msgstr "De ymportearre CSV-triem is te grut. Nim kontakt op met jo systeembehearder as jo triemmen ymportearje wolle dy't grutter binne as %s."

#: address_book_import.php:150
msgid "Error, could not open address file."
msgstr "Fout: koe adrestriem net iepenje."

#. Title of column with row numbers
#: address_book_import.php:265
msgid "No#"
msgstr "Nr#"

#. Title of column with omit checkbox
#: address_book_import.php:267
msgid "Omit"
msgstr "Oerslaan"

#: address_book_import.php:319
msgid "Add to address book: "
msgstr "Oan adresboek taheakje: "

#. display import button only after table is loaded
#: address_book_import.php:326
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Dien meitsje"

#. *
#. * $csvdata is empty. User tried to import empty file or $error contains fatal
#. * processing error message.
#: address_book_import.php:333
msgid "Nothing to import"
msgstr "Neat om te ymportearjen"

#: address_book_import.php:334
msgid "Return to Address Book"
msgstr "Tebek nei adresboek"

#: address_book_import.php:339
msgid "The following rows have errors"
msgstr "Yn de folgjende rigen steane fouten"

#. unable to move file to temp directory
#: address_book_import.php:344
msgid "Can't move uploaded file to attachment directory."
msgstr "Kin opladene triem net ferpleatse nei de taheakselsmap."

#. $csvdata is not available or is not array.
#: address_book_import.php:374
msgid "Unable to access uploaded data. Contact your system administrator."
msgstr "Gjin tagong ta de opladen gegevens. Nim kontakt op met jo systeembehearder."

#. displays row number that can't be imported. SquirrelMail
#. address book backend error message is displayed after it.
#: address_book_import.php:445
#, php-format
msgid "Row %d:"
msgstr "Rige %d:"

#: address_book_import.php:463
msgid "There were errors uploading the data, as listed below. Entries not listed here were uploaded."
msgstr "Der dienen him fouten foar by it opladen fan de gegevens. Hjirûnder stiet in list mei fouten. Items dy't net yn de list steane binne opladen."

#: address_book_import.php:467
msgid "Upload Completed!"
msgstr "Opladen is klear!"

#: address_book_import.php:469
msgid "Click on the link below to verify your work."
msgstr "Klik op ûndersteande link om jo wurk te kontrolearjen."

#: address_book_import.php:473
msgid "Addresses"
msgstr "Adressen"

#: functions.php:101
msgid "Single quotes (')"
msgstr "Inkele oanhellingstekens (')"

#: functions.php:102
msgid "Double quotes (\")"
msgstr "Dûbele oanhellingstekens (\")"

#: functions.php:103
msgid "Comma (,)"
msgstr "Komma (,)"

#: functions.php:104
msgid "Semicolon (;)"
msgstr "Puntkomma (;)"

#: functions.php:105
msgid "Custom delimiter"
msgstr "Oanpast skiedingsteken"

#: functions.php:112
msgid "Address book import"
msgstr "Adresboekymport"

#: functions.php:125
msgid "Select file:"
msgstr "Triem selektearje:"

#: functions.php:130
msgid "Max:"
msgstr "Maks:"

#: functions.php:134
msgid "Input character set:"
msgstr "Ynfiertekenset:"

#: functions.php:138
#: functions.php:187
msgid "Field delimiter:"
msgstr "Fjldskiedingsteken:"

#: functions.php:142
#: functions.php:191
msgid "Custom field delimiter:"
msgstr "Oanpast fjildskiedingsteken:"

#: functions.php:148
#: functions.php:201
msgid "Text delimiter:"
msgstr "Tekstskiedingsteken:"

#: functions.php:152
#: functions.php:205
msgid "Custom text delimiter:"
msgstr "Oanpast tekstskiedingsteken:"

#: functions.php:157
msgid "Import CSV File"
msgstr "CSV-triem ymportearje"

#: functions.php:165
#: functions.php:529
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "FOUT"

#: functions.php:167
msgid "Address book uploads are disabled."
msgstr "It opladen fan adresboeken is útskeakele."

#: functions.php:175
msgid "Address book export"
msgstr "Adresboek-eksport"

#: functions.php:212
msgid "Use address book:"
msgstr "Adresboek brûke:"

#: functions.php:219
msgid "Export to CSV File"
msgstr "Nei CSV-triem eksportearje"

#: functions.php:241
#, php-format
msgid "%s MB"
msgstr "%s MB"

#: functions.php:243
#, php-format
msgid "%s KB"
msgstr "%s KB"

#: functions.php:245
#, php-format
msgid "%s B"
msgstr "%s B"

#: functions.php:271
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Bynamme"

#: functions.php:273
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Foarnamme"

#: functions.php:275
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Efternamme"

#: functions.php:277
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"

#: functions.php:279
msgid "Additional Info"
msgstr "Oanfoljende ynfo"

#: functions.php:281
msgid "Do Not Include"
msgstr "Net ynslute"

#: functions.php:318
msgid "LDIF import is not supported."
msgstr "LDIF-ymport wurdt net stipe."