# Macedonian (mk) SquirrelMail Translation
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The SquirrelMail Project Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the SquirrelMail package.
# Nikola Velkovski , 2007.
# $Id: squirrelmail.po 11574 2006-08-12 21:12:40Z jervfors $
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: SquirrelMail\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: SquirrelMail Internationalization \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-04-16 19:47+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-31 16:19+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Nikola Velkovski \n"
"Language-Team: Macedonian \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Macedonian\n"
msgid "Address Book"
msgstr "Адресар"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Име"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Е-пошта"
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Инфо"
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Извор"
msgid "To"
msgstr "До"
msgid "Cc"
msgstr "Cc"
msgid "Bcc"
msgstr "Bcc"
msgid "No persons matching your search were found"
msgstr "Не беше пронајден ниту еден контакт според критериумот на пребарување"
msgid "Search for"
msgstr "Пребарувај"
msgid "in"
msgstr "во"
msgid "All address books"
msgstr "Сите адресари"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Пребарувај"
msgid "List all"
msgstr "Покажи ги сите"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Затвори"
#, php-format
msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
msgstr "Вашето пребарување не успеа поради следниве грешки"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Сите"
msgid "Use Addresses"
msgstr "Користи Адреси"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Откажи"
msgid "Address Book Search"
msgstr "Пребарување во адресарот"
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Врати се"
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Прекар"
msgid "Must be unique"
msgstr "Мора да биде единствен"
msgid "E-mail address"
msgstr "Е-mail адреса"
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Презиме"
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Име"
msgid "Additional info"
msgstr "Дополнителни информации"
msgid "Add to:"
msgstr "Додади на:"
msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
msgstr "Нема дефинирано личен Адресар. Контактирајте го администраторот."
msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
msgstr "Можете да редактирате само по една адреса"
msgid "Update address"
msgstr "Ажурирај ја Адреса"
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "ГРЕШКА"
msgid "Please select address that you want to edit"
msgstr "Ве молиме изберете ја саканата адреса за редактирање"
msgid "Add address"
msgstr "Додади адреса"
msgid "Edit selected"
msgstr "Редактирај ги означените"
msgid "Delete selected"
msgstr "Избриши ги означените"
#, php-format
msgid "Add to %s"
msgstr "Додади во %s"
#, php-format
msgid "%s wrote:"
msgstr "%s напиша:"
msgid "quote"
msgstr "Цитат"
msgid "who"
msgstr "кој"
#, php-format
msgid "On %s, %s wrote:"
msgstr "На %s, %s напиша:"
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Наслов"
msgid "From"
msgstr "Од"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
msgid "Original Message"
msgstr "Оригиналната порака"
msgid "Draft Email Saved"
msgstr ""
msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
msgstr "Не може да се премести/ копира директориумот. Нема прикачена датотека"
msgid "Draft Saved"
msgstr "Образецот е зачуван"
msgid "Your Message has been sent."
msgstr "Пораката е испратена."
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Од:"
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Испрати"
msgid "Attach:"
msgstr "Прикачи датотека:"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Додади"
msgid "Delete selected attachments"
msgstr "Избриши ги избраните додатоци"
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Приоритет"
msgid "High"
msgstr "Висок"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Нормален"
msgid "Low"
msgstr "Низок"
msgid "Receipt"
msgstr "Потврда"
msgid "On Read"
msgstr "При читање"
msgid "On Delivery"
msgstr "При доставка"
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Потпис"
msgid "Addresses"
msgstr "Адреси"
msgid "Save Draft"
msgstr "Зачувај го образецот"
msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
msgstr "Не е пополнето полето / До:/."
#, php-format
msgid "Error: Draft folder %s does not exist."
msgstr "Грешка: Директориумот %s не постои."
msgid "Server replied:"
msgstr "Серверот одговори:"
msgid "Folders"
msgstr "Директориуми"
msgid "Subscribed successfully."
msgstr "Успешно е покажувањето."
msgid "Unsubscribed successfully."
msgstr "Сокривањето е успешно."
msgid "Deleted folder successfully."
msgstr "Успешно е избришан директориумот."
msgid "Created folder successfully."
msgstr "Успешно е креиран директориумот."
msgid "Renamed successfully."
msgstr "Успешно преименувано."
msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
msgstr "Неуспешно сокривање - Директориумот не постои."
msgid "refresh folder list"
msgstr "обнови ја листата на директориуми"
msgid "Create Folder"
msgstr "Направи Директориум"
msgid "as a subfolder of"
msgstr "како поддиректориум на "
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ништо"
msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
msgstr "Дозволи овој директориум да содржи поддиректориуми"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Создади"
msgid "Rename a Folder"
msgstr "Преименувај Директориум"
msgid "Select a folder"
msgstr "Избери Директориум"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Преименувај"
msgid "No folders found"
msgstr "Нема директориуми"
msgid "Delete Folder"
msgstr "Избриши го Директориумот"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Избриши"
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Сокриј"
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Покажи"
msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
msgstr "Не се пронајдени директориуми за сокривање!"
msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
msgstr "Не се пронајдени директориуми да се покажување!"
msgid "Subscribe to:"
msgstr "Запишете се:"
msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
msgstr "Недозволено име на директориум. Ве молиме изберете друго име."
msgid "Click here to go back"
msgstr "Кликнете тука за да се вратите назад"
msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
msgstr "Не избравте директориум за бришење. Ве молиме направете го тоа."
#, php-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
msgstr "Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да избришете %s?"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Да"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Не"
msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
msgstr "Не сте избрале директориум за преименување. Ве молиме направете го тоа."
msgid "Rename a folder"
msgstr "Преименувај Директориум"
msgid "New name:"
msgstr "Ново име:"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Потврди"
msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
msgstr "ГРЕШКА: Фајловите за помош не се во соодветниот формат!"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Помош"
#, php-format
msgid "The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English instead."
msgstr "Помошта не е преведена на %s. Наместо тоа Ќе биде прикажана на Англиски."
msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
msgstr "Некои или сите помошни документи не се достапни!"
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Содржина"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Претходна"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Следна"
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Почеток"
msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
msgstr "Преглед на додадената слика"
msgid "View message"
msgstr "Преглед на пораката"
msgid "Download this as a file"
msgstr "Сними го локално како фајл"
msgid "INBOX"
msgstr "Сандаче"
msgid "Purge"
msgstr "Бришење"
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Пријави се"
#, php-format
msgid "%s Logo"
msgstr "%s Лого"
#, php-format
msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
msgstr "SquirrelMail верзија %s"
msgid "By the SquirrelMail Project Team"
msgstr "Од SquirrelMail тимот "
#, php-format
msgid "%s Login"
msgstr "%s Најавување"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Име:"
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Лозинка:"
msgid "No messages were selected."
msgstr "Нема означени пораки."
msgid "Personal Information"
msgstr "Лична информација"
msgid "Display Preferences"
msgstr "Опции за прикажување"
msgid "Message Highlighting"
msgstr "Означување на пораките"
msgid "Folder Preferences"
msgstr "Опции за директориумите"
msgid "Index Order"
msgstr "Подредување на заглавието"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Опции"
msgid "Error(s) occurred while saving your options"
msgstr "Настана грешка(и) при зачувувањето на вашите опции"
msgid "Some of your preference changes were not applied."
msgstr "Некои од вашите промени не беа направени."
msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
msgstr "Опциите се успешно зачувани"
msgid "Refresh Folder List"
msgstr "Обнови ја листата на Директориуми"
msgid "Refresh Page"
msgstr "Обнови ја страницата"
msgid "This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your email address, etc."
msgstr "Ова содржи лични информации за тебе - твоето име, твојата е-mail адреса, итн "
msgid "You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
msgstr "Можете да го променувате изгледот и начинот на известување, како боите, јазикот и дриго промени."
msgid "Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
msgstr "Во зависност од дадениот критериум, пристигнатите пораки можат да имаат различна боја на позадината во листата со сите пораки. Тоа ќе ви помогне при разликувањето на истите."
msgid "These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
msgstr "Овие регулирања го менуваат начинот директориумите се прикажуваат и употребуваат."
msgid "The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the headers in any order you want."
msgstr "Подредувањето на заглавијата на пораките може да биде менувано за да ги прикажува истите во избраниот редослед"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Ново"
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Потврди"
msgid "To or Cc"
msgstr "Кон или Cc"
msgid "subject"
msgstr "Наслов"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edit"
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Горе"
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Долу"
msgid "No highlighting is defined"
msgstr "Нема дефинирани маркирања"
msgid "Identifying name"
msgstr "Име за ифентификација"
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Боја"
msgid "Dark Blue"
msgstr "Темно Сина"
msgid "Dark Green"
msgstr "Темно Зелена"
msgid "Dark Yellow"
msgstr "Темно Жолта"
msgid "Dark Cyan"
msgstr "Темно Тиркизна"
msgid "Dark Magenta"
msgstr "Темна Магента"
msgid "Light Blue"
msgstr "Светло Сина"
msgid "Light Green"
msgstr "Светло Зелена"
msgid "Light Yellow"
msgstr "Светло Жолта"
msgid "Light Cyan"
msgstr "Светло Тиркизна"
msgid "Light Magenta"
msgstr "Светла Магента"
msgid "Dark Gray"
msgstr "Темно Сива"
msgid "Medium Gray"
msgstr "Средно Сива"
msgid "Light Gray"
msgstr "Светло Сива"
msgid "White"
msgstr "Бела"
msgid "Other:"
msgstr "Друга:"
msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
msgstr ""
msgid "Matches"
msgstr "Се совпаѓа со"
#, php-format
msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
msgstr ""
msgid "Advanced Identities"
msgstr "Напредни идентитети"
msgid "Default Identity"
msgstr "Идентите по подразбирање"
msgid "Add a New Identity"
msgstr "Додади Нов Идентитет"
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "Целосно Име"
msgid "E-Mail Address"
msgstr "E-Mail адреса"
msgid "Reply To"
msgstr "Пишете на"
msgid "Save / Update"
msgstr "Запомни / Ажурирај"
msgid "Make Default"
msgstr "направи го по подразбирање"
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Помести нагоре"
msgid "Checkbox"
msgstr "Поле за означување"
msgid "Flags"
msgstr "Знаменца"
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Големина"
msgid "The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to fit your needs."
msgstr "Подредувањето на заглавието на пораката се колоните во самото зааглавје. Можете да додавате, вадите и преместувате колони."
msgid "up"
msgstr "горе"
msgid "down"
msgstr "долу"
msgid "remove"
msgstr "отстрани"
msgid "Return to options page"
msgstr "Врати се на страната со опции"
msgid "Message not printable"
msgstr "Пораката не е погодна за печатење"
msgid "Invalid URL"
msgstr "Невалиден URL"
msgid "Printer Friendly"
msgstr "Принатебилен формат"
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Испечати"
msgid "View Printable Version"
msgstr "Прикажи во формат за печатење"
msgid "Read:"
msgstr "Прочитај:"
msgid "Your message"
msgstr "Вашата порака:"
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Испратено"
#, php-format
msgid "Was displayed on %s"
msgstr "Беше прикажано на %s"
msgid "less"
msgstr "помалку"
msgid "more"
msgstr "повеќе"
msgid "Unknown sender"
msgstr "Непознат испраќач"
msgid "Mailer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Read receipt"
msgstr "Прочитај ја белешката"
msgid "sent"
msgstr "испратено"
msgid "requested"
msgstr "побарано"
msgid "The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
msgstr "Испраќачот на пораката побара одговор со кој ќе потврдите дека сте ја прочитале оваа порака. Дали сакате да ја испратите потврдата? "
msgid "Send read receipt now"
msgstr ""
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "Резултати од Пребарувањето"
msgid "Message List"
msgstr "Листа на Пораки"
msgid "Resume Draft"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit Message as New"
msgstr "Редактирај ја пораката како нова"
msgid "View Message"
msgstr "Прикажи"
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Препрати"
msgid "Forward as Attachment"
msgstr "Препрати како Додаток"
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Одговори"
msgid "Reply All"
msgstr "Одговори на сите"
msgid "View Full Header"
msgstr "Гледај го целото заглавје"
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Додатоци"
msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
msgstr "Мора да бидете пријавени за да пристапите кон оваа страница."
msgid "Folder:"
msgstr "Директориум:"
msgid "edit"
msgstr "Редактирај"
msgid "search"
msgstr "пребарувај"
msgid "delete"
msgstr "избриши"
msgid "Recent Searches"
msgstr "Скорашни пребарувања"
msgid "save"
msgstr "зачувај"
msgid "forget"
msgstr "заборави"
msgid "Current Search"
msgstr "Моментално пребарување"
msgid "All Folders"
msgstr "Сите Директориуми"
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Содржина"
msgid "Everywhere"
msgstr "Секаде"
msgid "No Messages Found"
msgstr "Нема пораки"
msgid "Signout"
msgstr "Одјави се"
msgid "Sign Out"
msgstr "Одјави се"
msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
msgstr "Одјавувањето е успешно"
msgid "Click here to log back in."
msgstr "Кликнете тука за да се пријавите пак."
msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "vCard Version %s is not supported. Some information might not be converted correctly."
msgstr "vCard верзијата %s не е подржана. Дел од информацијата можеби нема да се преобразува правилно."
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Наслов"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Е-пошта"
msgid "Web Page"
msgstr "Web страница"
msgid "Organization / Department"
msgstr "Organisation / Department"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Адреса"
msgid "Work Phone"
msgstr "Телефон на работа"
msgid "Home Phone"
msgstr "Домашен телефон"
msgid "Cellular Phone"
msgstr "Мобилен Телефон"
msgid "Fax"
msgstr "Факс"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Забелешка"
msgid "Add to Addressbook"
msgstr "Додади во Адресарот"
msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
msgstr "Наслов и Организација / Оддел"
msgid "Add to Address Book"
msgstr "Додади во Адресарот"
msgid "Viewing Full Header"
msgstr "Гледање на целото заглавје"
msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
msgstr "Преглед на текстуалниот додаток"
msgid "Could not include PEAR database functions required for the database backend."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Is PEAR installed, and is the include path set correctly to find %s?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
msgstr "Ве молиме контактирајте го вашиот системски - администратор и известете го за оваа грешка."
msgid "Personal address book"
msgstr "Личен адресар"
#, php-format
msgid "Database error: %s"
msgstr "Грешка во базата на податоци: %s"
msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
msgstr "Адресарот е само за читање"
#, php-format
msgid "User '%s' already exist"
msgstr "Корисникот %s веќе постои"
#, php-format
msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "Корисникот %s не постои"
msgid "Not a file name"
msgstr "Не е име на фајл"
msgid "No such file or directory"
msgstr "Нема таква датотека или директориум."
msgid "Open failed"
msgstr "Отварањето е неуспешно"
msgid "Write failed"
msgstr "Записот е неуспешен"
msgid "Unable to update"
msgstr "Неспособност за ажурирање"
msgid "Could not lock datafile"
msgstr ""
msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
msgstr "Запишувањето во Адресарот е неуспешно"
msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
msgstr "Грешка при иницијализирање на базата со податоци на адерсарот."
#, php-format
msgid "Error opening file %s"
msgstr "Грешка при отварањето на фајлот %s"
msgid "Global address book"
msgstr "Глобален адресар"
msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
msgstr "Грешка при иницијализирање на глобалниот адресар."
#, php-format
msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
msgstr "Грешка при иницијализирање на LDAP серверот %s:"
msgid "Invalid input data"
msgstr "Грешни податоци "
msgid "Name is missing"
msgstr "Недостига име"
msgid "E-mail address is missing"
msgstr "Недостига E-Mail адреса"
msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
msgstr "Прекарот содржи недозволени карактери"
msgid "View"
msgstr "Прикажи"
msgid "View Business Card"
msgstr "Прикажи ја бизнис картата"
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Недела"
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Понеделник"
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Вторник"
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Среда"
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Четврток"
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Петок"
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Сабота"
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Нед"
msgid "Mon"
msgstr "Пон"
msgid "Tue"
msgstr "Вто"
msgid "Wed"
msgstr "Сре"
msgid "Thu"
msgstr "Чет"
msgid "Fri"
msgstr "Пет"
msgid "Sat"
msgstr "Саб"
msgid "January"
msgstr "Јануари"
msgid "February"
msgstr "Февруари"
msgid "March"
msgstr "Март"
msgid "April"
msgstr "Април"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Мај"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Јуни"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Јули"
msgid "August"
msgstr "Август"
msgid "September"
msgstr "Септември"
msgid "October"
msgstr "Октомври"
msgid "November"
msgstr "Ноември"
msgid "December"
msgstr "Декември"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Јан"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Фев"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Март"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Апр"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Мај"
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Јун"
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Јул"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Авг"
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Сеп"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Окт"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Ноем"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Дек"
msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
msgstr "D, j F, Y g:i a"
#, fuzzy
msgid "D, F j, Y H:i"
msgstr "D, j F, Y G:i"
msgid "M j, Y"
msgstr "j M, Y"
msgid "g:i a"
msgstr "g:i a"
#, fuzzy
msgid "H:i"
msgstr "G:i"
msgid "D, g:i a"
msgstr "D, g:i a"
#, fuzzy
msgid "D, H:i"
msgstr "D, G:i"
#, php-format
msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Click here to return to %s"
msgstr "Кликнете тука за враќање во %s"
msgid "Go to the login page"
msgstr "Оди на страницата за пријавување"
#, php-format
msgid "Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a default preference file."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Preference file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact your system administrator to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Error opening %s"
msgstr "Грешка при отварањето на %s"
msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Signature is too big."
msgstr "Потписот е премногу голем"
#, php-format
msgid "Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Signature file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact your system administrator to resolve this issue."
msgstr ""
msgid "You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled (using configure option --enable-mbstring)."
msgstr ""
msgid "ERROR: No available IMAP stream."
msgstr ""
msgid "ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server."
msgstr ""
msgid "ERROR: Could not complete request."
msgstr "ГРЕШКА: Не може да го комплетира барањето."
msgid "Query:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reason Given:"
msgstr "Поради причината:"
msgid "ERROR: Bad or malformed request."
msgstr ""
msgid "Server responded:"
msgstr "Серверот одговори:"
msgid "ERROR: IMAP server closed the connection."
msgstr "ГРЕШКА: IMAP серверот ја затвори конекцијата."
msgid "ERROR: Unknown IMAP response."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
msgstr "Грешка при поврзувањето со IMAP серверот: %s."
msgid "The IMAP server is reporting that plain text logins are disabled."
msgstr ""
msgid "Using CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5 authentication instead may work."
msgstr ""
msgid "Also, the use of TLS may allow SquirrelMail to login."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Bad request: %s"
msgstr "Лошо барање: %s"
#, php-format
msgid "Unknown error: %s"
msgstr "Непозната грешка: %s"
msgid "Read data:"
msgstr "Прочитај податоци:"
msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
msgstr "Непознат корисник или погрешна лозинка"
msgid "ERROR: Could not append message to"
msgstr "ГРЕШКА: Не можам да ја додадам пораката кон"
msgid "Solution:"
msgstr "Решение:"
msgid "Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash folder."
msgstr "Преместете ги непотребните пораки од вашиот директориум и започнете со вашиот фолдер за отпадоци."
msgid "(no subject)"
msgstr "(Без Наслов)"
msgid "Unknown Sender"
msgstr "Непознат Испраќач"
msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server:"
msgstr "Непознат одговор од IMAP серверот:"
msgid "The server couldn't find the message you requested."
msgstr "Серверот не може да ја пронајде пораката што ја баравте."
msgid "Most probably your message list was out of date and the message has been moved away or deleted (perhaps by another program accessing the same mailbox)."
msgstr "Најверојатно вашата листа на пораки била застарена и пораката е отстранета или избришана (веројатно од страна на друга програма која која има пристап до вашето поштенското сандаче)."
msgid "Unknown date"
msgstr "Непозната Дата"
msgid "A"
msgstr "А"
msgid "Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server."
msgstr ""
msgid "Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server."
msgstr ""
msgid "Move Selected To"
msgstr "Премести ги избраните пораки"
msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
msgstr "Означи ги избраните Пораки како"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Премести"
msgid "Expunge"
msgstr ""
msgid "mailbox"
msgstr "поштенско сандаче"
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Прочитани"
msgid "Unread"
msgstr "Непрочитани"
msgid "Unthread View"
msgstr ""
msgid "Thread View"
msgstr ""
msgid "Toggle All"
msgstr "Означи ги сите"
msgid "Unselect All"
msgstr "Отселектирај сė"
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Означи сė"
#, php-format
msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
msgstr "Преглед на Пораки: од %s до %s (%s пораки)"
#, php-format
msgid "Viewing Message: %s (%s total)"
msgstr "Преглед на Порака %s (%s elosno)"
msgid "Paginate"
msgstr "Преглед по страници"
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "Покажи ги сите"
msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
msgstr "SquirrelMail не може да ја декодира структурата на пораката"
msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message is malformed."
msgstr "Грешка при превземање на пораката. Причината за тоа е дека најверојатно пораката е грешно напишана."
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Команда:"
msgid "Response:"
msgstr "Одговор:"
msgid "Message:"
msgstr "Порака:"
msgid "FETCH line:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
msgstr "Сокриј ги небезбедните пораки."
msgid "View Unsafe Images"
msgstr "Прикажи ги небезбедните пораки."
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Зачувај."
msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
msgstr ""
msgid "This external link will open in a new window"
msgstr "Овој надворешен линк ќе отвори нов прозорец"
#, php-format
msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
msgstr "Опција од типот '%s' не е пронајдена."
msgid "Current Folder"
msgstr "Моментален директориум"
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Состави"
#, php-format
msgid "Error creating directory %s."
msgstr "Грешка при создавањето на директориумот %s"
msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Service not available, closing channel"
msgstr "Услугата не е достапна, затварање на каналот."
msgid "A password transition is needed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
msgstr ""
msgid "Requested action aborted: error in processing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage"
msgstr ""
msgid "Temporary authentication failure"
msgstr ""
msgid "Syntax error; command not recognized"
msgstr "Грешка во синтаксата; командата не може да биде препознаена"
msgid "Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
msgstr ""
msgid "Command not implemented"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bad sequence of commands"
msgstr ""
msgid "Command parameter not implemented"
msgstr ""
msgid "Authentication required"
msgstr "Автентикација е потребна."
msgid "Authentication mechanism is too weak"
msgstr "Механизамот за автентикација е премногу слаб."
msgid "Authentication failed"
msgstr "Автентикацијата е неуспешна"
msgid "Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism"
msgstr "Кодирање е потребно за тој механизам на автентикација"
msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
msgstr "Бараната акција не е исполнета: поштенското сандаче е недостапно"
msgid "User not local; please try forwarding"
msgstr ""
msgid "Requested mail action aborted: exceeding storage allocation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed"
msgstr "Бараната акција не е исполнета: името на поштенското сандаче не е дозволено"
msgid "Transaction failed"
msgstr "Трансакцијата е неуспешна"
msgid "Unknown response"
msgstr "Непознат одговор"
msgid "General Display Options"
msgstr "Општи опции за приказ"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Тема"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "По подразбирање"
msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
msgstr ""
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Јазик"
msgid "Use Javascript"
msgstr "Користи Javascript"
msgid "Autodetect"
msgstr "Автоматски"
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Секогаш"
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Никогаш"
msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
msgstr "Опции за прикажување на поштенското сандаче"
msgid "Number of Messages per Page"
msgstr "Број на Пораки на една Страна"
msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
msgstr "Овозможи приказ на различни бои за секој ред"
msgid "Enable Page Selector"
msgstr "Овозможи набројување на страниците"
msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
msgstr "Максимален Број на страници што треба да се покажат"
msgid "Always Show Full Date"
msgstr "Секогаш покажувај ја полната дата"
msgid "Message Display and Composition"
msgstr "Приказ и Композиција на Пораката"
msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
msgstr ""
msgid "Width of Editor Window"
msgstr "Широшина на прозорецот за редактирање"
msgid "Height of Editor Window"
msgstr "Височина на прозорецот за редактирање"
msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
msgstr "Мостоположба на копчињата при составување на емаил порака"
msgid "Before headers"
msgstr "Пред Заглавјето"
msgid "Between headers and message body"
msgstr "Помеѓу заглавјето и пораката"
msgid "After message body"
msgstr "По содржината на пораката"
msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
msgstr "Формат за приказ на адресарот"
msgid "Javascript"
msgstr "Javascript"
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
msgstr "Секогаш покажувај HTML "
msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
msgstr "Овозможи препраќање како додаток"
msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
msgstr "Вклучи CCs при препраќање на пораките"
msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
msgstr "Вклучи ме во CC кога одговарам на сите"
msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
msgstr "овозможи покажување на Mailer"
msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
msgstr "Прикажи ги додадените слики со пораката"
msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
msgstr "Овозможи приказ за печатење"
msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
msgstr "Овозможи известување за пристигнување на емајл пораката"
msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
msgstr "Напиши порака во нов прозорец"
msgid "Width of Compose Window"
msgstr "Ширина на Прозорчето за Составување"
msgid "Height of Compose Window"
msgstr "Висина на Прозорчето за Составување"
msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
msgstr "Додади Потпис пред Одговарањето/Препраќањето на Текстот"
msgid "Prefix for Original Message when Replying"
msgstr "Префикс за Оригиналната Порака при Одговарањето"
msgid "Cursor Position when Replying"
msgstr "Позиција на Курсорот при Одговарање"
msgid "To: field"
msgstr "До: поле"
msgid "Focus in body"
msgstr "Фокус на содржината"
msgid "Select body"
msgstr "избери ја содржината"
msgid "No focus"
msgstr "Без фокус"
msgid "Sort by Received Date"
msgstr "Подреди според Датата на Примање"
msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
msgstr ""
msgid "Special Folder Options"
msgstr "Специјални опции за директориумот"
msgid "Folder Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do not use Trash"
msgstr "Него користи директориумот за отпадоци"
msgid "Trash Folder"
msgstr "Директориум за отпадоци"
msgid "Do not use Drafts"
msgstr "ННе употребувај Drafts"
msgid "Draft Folder"
msgstr "Зачувани емаил пораки"
msgid "Do not use Sent"
msgstr "Не користи испратени"
msgid "Sent Folder"
msgstr "Испратени пораки"
msgid "Folder List Options"
msgstr "Опции за прелистување на директориумите"
msgid "Location of Folder List"
msgstr "Местоположба на Листата со Директориуми"
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Лево"
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Десно"
msgid "pixels"
msgstr "пиксели"
msgid "Width of Folder List"
msgstr "Ширина на Листата со Директориуми"
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Минути"
msgid "Seconds"
msgstr "Секунди"
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Минута"
msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
msgstr "Автоматско освежување на листата за директориумите"
msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
msgstr "Овозможи нотификација при непрочитани пораки"
msgid "No Notification"
msgstr "Без Известување"
msgid "Only INBOX"
msgstr "Само INBOX"
msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
msgstr "Тип на нотификација при непрочитани пораки."
msgid "Only Unseen"
msgstr "Само неприкажаните"
msgid "Unseen and Total"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable Collapsable Folders"
msgstr "Овозможи спуштачки директориуми"
msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
msgstr "Овозможи кумулативно известување на непрочитаните пораки"
msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
msgstr "Покажи го часновникот од левата страна"
msgid "International date and time"
msgstr "Интернационални дата и време"
msgid "American date and time"
msgstr "Американскадата и време"
msgid "European date and time"
msgstr "Европска дата и време"
msgid "Show weekday and time"
msgstr "Покажи ден од неделата и време"
msgid "Show time with seconds"
msgstr "Покажи време со секунди"
msgid "Show time"
msgstr "Покажи време"
msgid "No Clock"
msgstr "Нема часовник"
msgid "Hour Format"
msgstr "Формат на времето"
msgid "12-hour clock"
msgstr "Часовник во 12 часов формат"
msgid "24-hour clock"
msgstr "Часовник во 24 часов формат"
msgid "Memory Search"
msgstr "Пребарување во меморијата"
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Оневозможен"
msgid "Folder Selection Options"
msgstr "Опции за означување на директориумиет"
msgid "Selection List Style"
msgstr "Стил на листата за означување"
msgid "Long:"
msgstr "Долго:"
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Директориум"
msgid "Subfolder"
msgstr "Поддиректориум"
msgid "Indented:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Delimited:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Name and Address Options"
msgstr "Име и Адреса - Опции"
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "E-Mail Адреса"
msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
msgstr ""
msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
msgstr "(отфрли ги промените направени досега)"
msgid "Multiple Identities"
msgstr "Многукратни идентитети"
msgid "Same as server"
msgstr "Исто како серверот"
msgid "Error opening timezone config, contact administrator."
msgstr "Грешка при отворање на конфигурацијата за временската зона, контактирајте го администраторот."
msgid "Timezone Options"
msgstr "Опции за Временската зона"
msgid "Your current timezone"
msgstr "Вашата моментална временска зона"
msgid "Reply Citation Options"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reply Citation Style"
msgstr "Вид на цитатот при одговор"
msgid "No Citation"
msgstr ""
msgid "AUTHOR Wrote"
msgstr "Авторот напиша"
msgid "On DATE, AUTHOR Wrote"
msgstr "На ДАТА, АВТОРОТ Напиша"
msgid "Quote Who XML"
msgstr ""
msgid "User-Defined"
msgstr "Определени од корисникот"
msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
msgstr "Почеток на своеволно дефиниран вид на цитат"
msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
msgstr "Крај на своеволно дефиниран вид на цитат"
msgid "Signature Options"
msgstr "Можности на Потписот"
msgid "Use Signature"
msgstr "Употреби Потпис"
msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
msgstr "Префикс на Потписот со '-- ' "
msgid "Take Address"
msgstr "Земи Адреса"
msgid "Address Book Take:"
msgstr "Земи адреса од адресарот"
msgid "Try to verify addresses"
msgstr "Обиди се да ја потврдиш адресата"
msgid "Config File Version"
msgstr "Верзија на конфигурациониот фајл"
msgid "SquirrelMail Version"
msgstr "SquirrelMail верзија"
msgid "PHP Version"
msgstr "PHP Верзија"
msgid "Organization Preferences"
msgstr "Поставки на организацијата"
msgid "Organization Name"
msgstr "Името на организацијата"
msgid "Organization Logo"
msgstr "Логото на организацијата"
msgid "Organization Logo Width"
msgstr "OrШирочина на логото на организацијата"
msgid "Organization Logo Height"
msgstr "Височина на логото на организацијата"
msgid "Organization Title"
msgstr "Наслов на организацијата"
msgid "Signout Page"
msgstr "Страница за одјава"
msgid "Provider Link URI"
msgstr ""
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Име на Провајдерот"
msgid "Top Frame"
msgstr ""
msgid "Server Settings"
msgstr "Регулирања на Серверот"
msgid "Mail Domain"
msgstr "Домејн за електронската пошта"
msgid "IMAP Server Address"
msgstr "Адреса на IMAP серверот"
msgid "IMAP Server Port"
msgstr "Порт на IMAP серверот"
msgid "IMAP Server Type"
msgstr "Вид на IMAP серверот"
msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
msgstr ""
msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Courier IMAP server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mac OS X Mailserver"
msgstr ""
msgid "hMailServer IMAP server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not one of the above servers"
msgstr "Ниту еден од претходно споменатите сервери"
msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use "detect" to auto-detect."
msgstr ""
msgid "Use TLS for IMAP Connections"
msgstr ""
msgid "Requires PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
msgstr ""
msgid "IMAP Authentication Type"
msgstr ""
msgid "IMAP login"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use Sendmail Binary"
msgstr ""
msgid "Choose "no" for SMTP"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sendmail Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "SMTP Server Address"
msgstr ""
msgid "SMTP Server Port"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use TLS for SMTP Connections"
msgstr ""
msgid "SMTP Authentication Type"
msgstr ""
msgid "No SMTP auth"
msgstr ""
msgid "Login (plain text)"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 Before SMTP?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Invert Time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Folders Defaults"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
msgstr ""
msgid "By default, move to trash"
msgstr ""
msgid "By default, move to sent"
msgstr ""
msgid "By default, save as draft"
msgstr ""
msgid "List Special Folders First"
msgstr "Покажи ги Специјалните Директориуми најпрвин"
msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
msgstr ""
msgid "Auto Expunge"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Unseen Type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
msgstr ""
msgid "Auto delete folders"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable /NoSelect folder fix"
msgstr ""
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "Најглавни опции"
msgid "Data Directory"
msgstr ""
msgid "Temp Directory"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hash Level"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hash Disabled"
msgstr ""
msgid "Moderate"
msgstr ""
msgid "Medium"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Left Size"
msgstr ""
msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
msgstr ""
msgid "Allow use of priority"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hide SM attributions"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Allow editing of identities"
msgstr ""
msgid "Allow editing of full name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use server-side sorting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use server-side thread sorting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Allow server charset search"
msgstr ""
msgid "UID support"
msgstr ""
msgid "PHP session name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message of the Day"
msgstr "Порака на денот"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "База на Податоци"
msgid "Address book DSN"
msgstr "Адресар DSN"
msgid "Address book table"
msgstr ""
msgid "Preferences DSN"
msgstr ""
msgid "Preferences table"
msgstr ""
msgid "Preferences username field"
msgstr ""
msgid "Preferences key field"
msgstr ""
msgid "Preferences value field"
msgstr ""
msgid "Global address book DSN"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "Global address book table"
msgstr "Error initialising addressbook database."
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow writing into global address book"
msgstr "Error initialising global addressbook."
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow listing of global address book"
msgstr "Error initialising global addressbook."
msgid "Language settings"
msgstr "Регулирање на јазикот"
msgid "Default Language"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Charset"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable lossy encoding"
msgstr ""
msgid "Address Books"
msgstr "Адресари"
msgid "Default Javascript Addressbook"
msgstr ""
msgid "Global address book file"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow writing into global address book file"
msgstr "Error initialising global addressbook."
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Теми"
msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default theme"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use index number of theme"
msgstr ""
msgid "Configuration Administrator"
msgstr ""
msgid "Note: it is recommended that you configure your system using conf.pl, and not this plugin. conf.pl contains additional information regarding the purpose of variables and appropriate values, as well as additional verification steps."
msgstr ""
msgid "Run or consult conf.pl should you run into difficulty with your configuration."
msgstr ""
msgid "Theme Name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Theme Path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin directory could not be found: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Change Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Test Configuration"
msgstr ""
msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
msgstr ""
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Администрација"
msgid "This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration remotely."
msgstr ""
msgid "Submit a Bug Report"
msgstr ""
msgid "Before you send your bug report, please make sure to check this checklist for any common problems."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Make sure that you are running the most recent copy of %s. You are currently using version %s."
msgstr "Бидете сигурни дека ја користите најновата копија на %s. Моментално ја користите верзијата %s"
#, php-format
msgid "Check to see if your bug is already listed in the %sBug List%s on SourceForge. If it is, we already know about it and are trying to fix it."
msgstr ""
msgid "Try to make sure that you can repeat it. If the bug happens sporatically, try to document what you did when it happened. If it always occurs when you view a specific message, keep that message around so maybe we can see it."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "If there were warnings displayed above, try to resolve them yourself. Read the guides in the %s directory where SquirrelMail was installed."
msgstr "Доколку се појавија предупредувања , обиди се да ги решиш сам. Прочитај ги упатствата во %s директориумот каде што е инсталиран SquirrelMail"
msgid "Pressing the button below will start a mail message to the developers of SquirrelMail that will contain a lot of information about your system, your browser, how SquirrelMail is set up, and your IMAP server. It will also prompt you for information. Just fill out the sections at the top. If you like, you can scroll down in the message to see what else is being sent."
msgstr ""
msgid "Please make sure to fill out as much information as you possibly can to give everyone a good chance of finding and removing the bug. Submitting your bug like this will not have it automatically added to the bug list on SourceForge, but someone who gets your message may add it for you."
msgstr ""
msgid "This bug involves"
msgstr ""
msgid "the general program"
msgstr "основната програма"
msgid "a specific plugin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Start Bug Report Form"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bug"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bug Reports:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show button in toolbar"
msgstr ""
msgid "TODAY"
msgstr "ДЕНЕС"
msgid "Go"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Could not write calendar file %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "l, F j Y"
msgstr "l, F j Y"
msgid "ADD"
msgstr "Додади"
msgid "EDIT"
msgstr ""
msgid "DEL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Start time:"
msgstr "Почеток:"
msgid "Length:"
msgstr "Времетраење:"
msgid "Priority:"
msgstr "Приоритет:"
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Наслов:"
msgid "Set Event"
msgstr "Потврди го настанот:"
msgid "Event Has been added!"
msgstr "Додаден е настан!"
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Дата:"
msgid "Time:"
msgstr "Време:"
msgid "Day View"
msgstr "Дневен Преглед"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
msgstr "Дали навистина сакаш да го избришеш овој настан?"
msgid "Event deleted!"
msgstr "Настанот е избришан!"
msgid "Nothing to delete!"
msgstr "Нема ништо за бришење!"
msgid "Update Event"
msgstr "Ажурирај"
msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
msgstr "Дали навистина сакате да го промените овој настан од:"
msgid "to:"
msgstr "до:"
msgid "Event updated!"
msgstr "настанот е ажуриран!"
msgid "Month View"
msgstr "Месечен Преглед"
msgid "0 min."
msgstr "0 мин."
msgid "15 min."
msgstr "15 мин."
msgid "30 min."
msgstr "30 мин."
msgid "45 min."
msgstr "45 мин."
msgid "1 hr."
msgstr "1 ч."
msgid "1.5 hr."
msgstr "1,5 ч."
msgid "2 hr."
msgstr "2 ч."
msgid "2.5 hr."
msgstr "2,5 ч."
msgid "3 hr."
msgstr "3 ч."
msgid "3.5 hr."
msgstr "3,5 ч."
msgid "4 hr."
msgstr "4 ч."
msgid "5 hr."
msgstr "5 ч."
msgid "6 hr."
msgstr "6 ч."
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Календар"
msgid "Delete & Prev"
msgstr "Избриши & Претходно"
msgid "Delete & Next"
msgstr "Избриши & Следно"
msgid "Move to:"
msgstr "Премести во:"
msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display at top"
msgstr "Прикажи на почетокот"
msgid "with move option"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display at bottom"
msgstr "Прикажи на дното"
msgid "COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one to use."
msgstr "COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or mis-configured) to allow spam to be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one to use."
msgid "COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up account and send spam directly from there."
msgstr ""
msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
msgstr ""
msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
msgstr ""
msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer false positives than ORBS did though."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Five-Ten-sg.com - Direct SPAM sources."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Five-Ten-sg.com - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Five-Ten-sg.com - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Five-Ten-sg.com - Other misc. servers."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Five-Ten-sg.com - Single Stage servers."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Five-Ten-sg.com - SPAM Support servers."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Five-Ten-sg.com - Web Form IPs."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends you NOT use their service."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE, for now - SpamCop - An interesting solution that lists servers that have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85 percent or more)."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - dev.null.dk - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - visi.com - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - ahbl.org Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - ahbl.org SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - ahbl.org SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically assigned IPs."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs Leadmon.net has received SPAM directly from."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their services."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on other active RBLs."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to Leadmon.net."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent Leadmon.net direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed Leadmon.net."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct SPAM Sources."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
msgstr ""
msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING! You must enter something to search for."
msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕДУВАЊЕ! Најпрво внесете што пребарувате."
msgid "WARNING! Header filters should be of the format "Header: value""
msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕДУВАЊЕ! Филтерите на заглавјето треба да бидет во следниот формат "Header: value""
msgid "Saved Scan type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message Filtering"
msgstr ""
msgid "What to Scan:"
msgstr ""
msgid "All messages"
msgstr "Сите пораки"
msgid "Only unread messages"
msgstr "Само непрочитани пораки"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Зачувај"
msgid "Match:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Заглавје"
msgid "Contains:"
msgstr "Содржи:"
#, php-format
msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
msgstr "Ако %s содржи %s тогаш премести го во %s"
msgid "Message Filters"
msgstr "Филтри на Пораката"
msgid "Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically filtered into different folders for easier organization."
msgstr "Филтрирањето овозможува да пораките со поставен различен критериум да бидат автоматски филтрирани во различен директориум за да има подобра организираност."
msgid "SPAM Filters"
msgstr "SPAM филтри"
msgid "SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
msgstr ""
msgid "You must select a spam folder."
msgstr "Мора да изберес SPAM директориум"
msgid "You must select a scan type."
msgstr ""
msgid "Spam Filtering"
msgstr "Spam филтрирање"
#, php-format
msgid "WARNING! Tell the administrator to set the %s variable."
msgstr ""
msgid "Move spam to:"
msgstr "Премести ги spam пораките во:"
msgid "Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging around."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unread messages only"
msgstr "Само непрочитаните пораки"
msgid "The more messages scanned, the longer it takes. It's recommended to scan unread messages only. If a change to the filters is made, it's recommended to set it to scan all messages, then go view the INBOX, then come back and set it to scan unread messages only. That way, the new spam filters will be applied and even the spam you didn't catch with the old filters will be scanned."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Spam is sent to %s."
msgstr ""
msgid "not set yet"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s."
msgstr ""
msgid "ON"
msgstr "Вклучено"
msgid "OFF"
msgstr "Исклучено"
#, php-format
msgid "%s is not found."
msgstr "%s не е пронајдено"
msgid "Today's Fortune"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fortunes:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show fortunes at top of mailbox"
msgstr ""
msgid "Plugin is disabled."
msgstr ""
msgid "IMAP server information"
msgstr ""
msgid "Run some test IMAP commands, displaying both the command and the result. These tests use the SquirrelMail IMAP commands and your current SquirrelMail configuration. Custom command strings can be used."
msgstr ""
msgid "Mailinglist"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will receive an emailed response at the address below."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
msgstr ""
msgid "Send Mail"
msgstr "Испрати Пошта"
msgid "Post to List"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reply to List"
msgstr "Одговори на Листата"
msgid "List Archives"
msgstr "Архива на Листи"
msgid "Contact Listowner"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mailing List"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 connect:"
msgstr ""
msgid "No server specified"
msgstr "Нема назначен Сервер"
msgid "Error "
msgstr "Грешка"
msgid "POP3 user:"
msgstr ""
msgid "no login ID submitted"
msgstr ""
msgid "connection not established"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 pass:"
msgstr ""
msgid "No password submitted"
msgstr "Лозинката не е впишана"
msgid "authentication failed "
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 apop:"
msgstr ""
msgid "No connection to server"
msgstr "Нема врска со серверот"
msgid "No login ID submitted"
msgstr ""
msgid "No server banner"
msgstr ""
msgid "abort"
msgstr ""
msgid "apop authentication failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 login:"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 top:"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Premature end of list"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 get:"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 last:"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 reset:"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Empty command string"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 quit:"
msgstr ""
msgid "connection does not exist"
msgstr "конекцијата не постои"
msgid "POP3 uidl:"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 delete:"
msgstr ""
msgid "No msg number submitted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Command failed "
msgstr "Наредбата не успеа"
msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select Server:"
msgstr "Изберете Сервер:"
msgid "Password for"
msgstr "Лозинка за"
msgid "Fetch Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fetching from "
msgstr ""
msgid "Oops, "
msgstr ""
msgid "Opening IMAP server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Opening POP server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Login Failed:"
msgstr "Неуспешно пријавување:"
msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
msgstr "Пријавувањето е во ред: Немате нови пораки"
msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
msgstr "Пријавувањето е во ред: Сандачето е ПРАЗНО"
#, php-format
msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains %s messages"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
msgstr ""
msgid "Leaving mail on server..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
msgstr "Бришење на пораките од серверот..."
msgid "Fetching message "
msgstr ""
msgid "Server error. Disconnect"
msgstr "Грешка. Врската е прекината."
msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Saving UIDL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Refetching message "
msgstr "повторно превземање на пораката"
msgid "Error Appending Message!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Closing POP"
msgstr ""
msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Message %d deleted from remote server!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Delete failed:"
msgstr "Бришењето е неуспешно:"
msgid "Remote POP server settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
msgstr ""
msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be asked when you fetch mail."
msgstr ""
msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add Server"
msgstr "Додади Сервер"
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "Сервер:"
msgid "Port:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Alias:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Корисничко име:"
msgid "Store in Folder:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Leave mail on server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Check mail at login"
msgstr ""
msgid "Check mail at folder refresh"
msgstr ""
msgid "Modify Server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Server Name:"
msgstr "Име на серверот:"
msgid "Modify"
msgstr ""
msgid "No servers known."
msgstr ""
msgid "Fetching Servers"
msgstr ""
msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
msgstr ""
msgid "Selected Server:"
msgstr "Избран Сервер:"
msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
msgstr "СПотврди бришење на избраниот сервер"
msgid "Confirm Delete"
msgstr "Потврди бришење"
msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
msgstr "Остави ги пораките на серверот"
msgid "Undefined Function"
msgstr "Недефинирана Функција"
msgid "The function you requested is unknown."
msgstr "Функцијата која ја побаравте е непозната."
msgid "Fetch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Warning, "
msgstr "Предупредување,"
msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
msgstr ""
msgid "POP3 Fetch Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "This configures settings for downloading email from a POP3 mailbox to your account on this server."
msgstr ""
msgid "Message Details"
msgstr "Детали на Пораката"
msgid "Bodystructure"
msgstr "Основна структура"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Содржина"
msgid "Content-Type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Енкодирање"
msgid "RFC822 Message body"
msgstr "RFC822 содржина на Пораката"
msgid "Close Window"
msgstr "Затвори го прозорецот"
msgid "Save Message"
msgstr "Зачувај ја пораката"
msgid "View Message details"
msgstr "Прегледај ја пораката"
msgid "New Mail"
msgstr "Нова Пошта"
msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
msgstr "SquirrelMail Забелешка:"
#, php-format
msgid "You have %s new message"
msgid_plural "You have %s new messages"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#, php-format
msgid "You have %s new messages"
msgstr "Имате %s нови пораки"
msgid "New Mail Notification"
msgstr "Известување за Нова Пошта"
#, php-format
msgid "The %s option will check ALL of your folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
msgstr ""
msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Selecting the %s option will enable the showing of a popup window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
msgstr ""
msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Use the %s option to only check for messages that are recent. Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
msgstr ""
msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Selecting the %s option will change the title in some browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have %s enabled."
msgstr ""
msgid "Change title on supported browsers"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Select %s to turn on playing a media file when unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file to play in the provided file box."
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable Media Playing"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Select from the list of %s the media file to play when new mail arrives. If no file is specified, %s, no sound will be used."
msgstr ""
msgid "Select server file"
msgstr ""
msgid "(none)"
msgstr "(ништо)"
msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
msgstr ""
msgid "Try"
msgstr "Обиди се"
msgid "Current File:"
msgstr ""
msgid "NewMail Options"
msgstr "Опции за новите емајл пораки"
msgid "This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows when new mail arrives."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "%s New Messages"
msgstr "%s Нови Пораки"
#, php-format
msgid "%s New Message"
msgid_plural "%s New Messages"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "Test Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "No sound specified"
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading the sound..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
msgstr "Опции за подиректориумите на испратените емаијл пораки"
msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
msgstr ""
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Месечно"
msgid "Quarterly"
msgstr "Тромесечно"
msgid "Yearly"
msgstr "Годишно"
msgid "Base Sent Folder"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Овозможено"
msgid "Disable it"
msgstr "Оневозможи го"
msgid "Enable it"
msgstr "Овозможи го"
msgid "Spam reporting"
msgstr ""
msgid "SpamCop link is:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Delete spam when reported:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Only works with email-based reporting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spam Reporting Method:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick email-based reporting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Thorough email-based reporting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Web-based form"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save Method"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your SpamCop authorization code:"
msgstr ""
msgid "see below"
msgstr "види подолу"
msgid "Save ID"
msgstr ""
msgid "About SpamCop"
msgstr ""
msgid "SpamCop is a free service that greatly assists in finding the true source of the spam and helps in letting the proper people know about the abuse."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "To use it, you must get a SpamCop authorization code. There is a free %ssign up page%s so you can use SpamCop."
msgstr ""
msgid "Before you sign up, be warned"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Some users have reported that the email addresses used with SpamCop find their way onto spam lists. To be safe, you can just create an email forwarding account and have all SpamCop reports get sent to there. Also, if it gets flooded with spam, you can then just delete that account with no worries about losing your real email address. Just go create an email forwarder somewhere (%s has a %slist of places%s) so that messages from system administrators and what not can be sent to you."
msgstr ""
msgid "Once you have signed up with SpamCop and have received your SpamCop authorization code, you need to enable this plugin by clicking the link above. Once enabled, you go about your normal life. If you encounter a spam message in your mailbox, just view it. On the right-hand side, near the top of where the message is displayed, you will see a link to report this message as spam. Clicking on it brings you to a confirmation page. Confirming that you want the spam report sent will do different things with different reporting methods."
msgstr ""
msgid "Email-based reporting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pressing the button forwards the message to the SpamCop service and will optionally delete the message. From there, you just need to go to your INBOX and quite soon a message should appear from SpamCop. (It gets sent to the account you registered with, so make sure that your mail forwarder works!) Open it up, click on the appropriate link at the top, and a new browser window will open."
msgstr ""
msgid "Currently, the quick reporting just forwards the request to the thorough reporting. Also, it appears that this is for members (non-free) only. Hopefully this will change soon."
msgstr ""
msgid "Web-based reporting"
msgstr ""
msgid "When you press the button on the confirmation page, this will pop open a new browser window and the SpamCop service should appear inside. The message will not be deleted (working on that part), but you won't need to wait for a response email to start the spam reporting."
msgstr ""
msgid "The SpamCop service will display information as it finds it, so scroll down until you see a form button. It might pause a little while it is looking up information, so be a little patient. Read what it says, and submit the spam. Close the browser window. Press Cancel or click on the appropriate mail folder to see messages and/or delete the spam."
msgstr ""
msgid "SpamCop service type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Service type option allows selecting which SpamCop services you are using. Member services use different web reporting forms and does not display nags. You can purchase these services, if you want to support SpamCop."
msgstr ""
msgid "More information"
msgstr "Повеќе информации"
#, php-format
msgid "For more information about SpamCop, it's services, spam in general, and many related topics, try reading through SpamCop's %sHelp and Feedback%s section."
msgstr ""
msgid "Report as Spam"
msgstr ""
msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite fast, really smart, and easy to use."
msgstr ""
msgid "Sending this spam report will give you back a reply with URLs that you can click on to properly report this spam message to the proper authorities. This is a free service. By pressing the \"Send Spam Report\" button, you agree to follow SpamCop's rules/terms of service/etc."
msgstr ""
msgid "Cancel / Done"
msgstr "Откажи / Потврди"
msgid "Send Spam Report"
msgstr ""
msgid "SpellChecker Options"
msgstr "Опции за проверка на правописот"
msgid "Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
msgstr ""
msgid "Check Spelling"
msgstr "Провери го правописот"
msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
msgstr ""
msgid "ATTENTION:"
msgstr "ВНИМАНИЕ:"
msgid "SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new password after this. If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
msgstr ""
msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
msgstr "Избриши го мојот речник и направи нов"
msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Proceed"
msgstr ""
msgid "You must make a choice"
msgstr "Мора да направите избор"
msgid "You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
msgstr "Можете или да го избришете вашиот речник или да ја внесете старата лозинка. Не двете работи одеднаш."
msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
msgstr "Ова ќе го избрише вашиот личен фајл за речник. Сакате да продолжите?"
msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cute."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Could not run the spellchecker command (%s)."
msgstr ""
msgid "Error while writing to pipe."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Could not open temporary file '%s'."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Error while writing to temporary file '%s'."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"
msgstr ""
msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
msgstr "SquirrelSpell е погрешно конфигуриран."
msgid "Spellcheck completed. Commit changes?"
msgstr ""
msgid "No changes were made."
msgstr "Нема направени промени."
msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
msgstr "Сега се зачувува вашиот личен речник... Ве молиме почекајте."
msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Found %s errors"
msgstr "Пронајдени се %s грешки"
msgid "Line with an error:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error:"
msgstr "Грешка:"
msgid "Suggestions:"
msgstr "Предлози:"
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr "Предлози:"
msgid "Change to:"
msgstr "Промени во:"
msgid "Occurs times:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Change this word"
msgstr "Смени го овој збор"
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Промени"
msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
msgstr "Промени ги сите совпаѓања во овој збор"
msgid "Change All"
msgstr "Промени сė"
msgid "Ignore this word"
msgstr "Игнорирај го овој збор"
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Игнорирај"
msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
msgstr "Игнорирај ги сите совпаѓања во овој збор"
msgid "Ignore All"
msgstr "Игнорирај сė"
msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add to Dic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Close and Commit"
msgstr ""
msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Close and Cancel"
msgstr "Затвори и Откажи"
msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
msgstr ""
msgid "No errors found"
msgstr "Не се пронајдени грешки"
msgid "Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now stored in an encrypted format."
msgstr ""
msgid "Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now stored as plain text."
msgstr ""
msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
msgstr ""
msgid "Dictionary Erased"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased. Please close this window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
msgstr ""
msgid "Close this Window"
msgstr "Затвори го означениот прозорец"
msgid "Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
msgstr ""
msgid "Successful re-encryption"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
msgstr ""
msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Personal Dictionary"
msgstr "Личен Речник"
msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
msgstr "Нема зборови во вашиот Личен Речник"
msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "%s dictionary"
msgstr "%s речник"
msgid "Delete checked words"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
msgstr ""
msgid "Please make your selection first."
msgstr ""
msgid "This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format. Proceed?"
msgstr ""
msgid "This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a plain text format. Proceed?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted."
msgstr ""
msgid "This helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted with the password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for anyone to see what is stored in your personal dictionary."
msgstr ""
msgid "If you forget your password, your personal dictionary will become unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. If you change your mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and prompt you for your old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary with a new key."
msgstr ""
msgid "Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
msgstr ""
msgid "Change crypto settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted."
msgstr ""
msgid "You may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy in case the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary file gets stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and are hard to decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your mailbox password)."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "If you decide to encrypt your personal dictionary, you must remember that it gets "hashed" with your mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox password and the administrator changes it to a new value, your personal dictionary will become useless and will have to be created anew. However, if you or your system administrator change your mailbox password but you still have the old password at hand, you will be able to enter the old key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the new value."
msgstr "Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. You may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy in case the webmail system gets compromised and your personal dictionary file gets stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and are hard to decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your mailbox password).
ATTENTION: If you decide to encrypt your personal dictionary, you must remember that it gets "hashed" with your mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox password and the administrator changes it to a new value, your personal dictionary will become useless and will have to be created anew. However, if you or your system administrator change your mailbox password but you still have the old password at hand, you will be able to enter the old key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the new value.
msgid "Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
msgstr ""
msgid "All done!"
msgstr "Се е готово!"
msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
msgstr ""
msgid "No changes requested."
msgstr ""
msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this message:"
msgstr ""
msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as default dictionary."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
msgstr ""
msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
msgstr ""
msgid "Please check any available international dictionaries which you would like to use when spellchecking:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Make these changes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
msgstr "Додади Интернационални Речници"
msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
msgstr ""
msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
msgstr ""
msgid "not available"
msgstr ""
msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Translator"
msgstr "Преведувач"
msgid "Saved Translation Options"
msgstr "Зачувани можности на Преведување"
msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Maximum of 150 words translated, powered by Systran"
msgstr "Максимум 150 зборови преведени, потпомогнато од Systran"
#, php-format
msgid "Number of supported language pairs: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "No known limits, powered by Systran"
msgstr ""
msgid "No known limits, powered by Translation Experts' InterTran"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Number of supported languages: %s"
msgstr "Број на поддржани јазици: %s"
msgid "Hellenic translations, no known limits, powered by Systran"
msgstr ""
msgid "Russian translations, maximum of 500 characters translated"
msgstr "Руски преводи, максимум 500 карактери преведени"
msgid "You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will be located."
msgstr ""
msgid "Select your translator:"
msgstr "Избери го соодветниот преведувач:"
msgid "When reading:"
msgstr "При читање:"
msgid "Show translation box"
msgstr ""
msgid "to the left"
msgstr "кон лево"
msgid "in the center"
msgstr "кон средината"
msgid "to the right"
msgstr "кон десно"
msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
msgstr ""
msgid "Translation Options"
msgstr "Можности за преведување"
msgid "Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different language?"
msgstr "Кој преведувач треба да се користи кога ќе добиете пораки на друг јазик?"
#, php-format
msgid "%s to %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Chinese, Simplified"
msgstr "Кинески, Поедноставен"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Англиски"
msgid "Chinese, Traditional"
msgstr "Кинески, Традиционален"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Дански"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Француски"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Германски"
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Грчки"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Италијански"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Јапонски"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Корејски"
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Португалски"
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Руски"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Шпански"
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Преведи"
msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
msgstr "Бразилско Португалски"
msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr "Бугарски"
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "Хрватски"
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "Чешки"
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Дански"
msgid "Filipino (Tagalog)"
msgstr "Филипински (Tagalog)"
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Фински"
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Унгарски"
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "Исландски"
msgid "Latin"
msgstr "Латински"
msgid "Latin American Spanish"
msgstr "Латино-Американско Шпански"
msgid "Norwegian"
msgstr "Норвешки"
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Полски"
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Романски"
msgid "Serbian"
msgstr "Српски"
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "Словенечки"
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "Шветски"
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "Турски"
msgid "Welsh"
msgstr "Велшки"
msgid "Indonesian"
msgstr "Индонезиски"
msgid "to English"
msgstr ""
msgid "from English"
msgstr "од Англиски"
msgid "Interface language"
msgstr ""
msgid "Translation direction"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "About SquirrelMail %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "SquirrelMail is the name of the program that provides access to your email via the web."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "If you have questions about or problems with your mail account, passwords, abuse etc, please refer to your system administrator or provider%s."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "They can assist you adequately with these issues. The SquirrelMail Project Team cannot help you with that. The %shelp system%s provides answers to frequently asked questions."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "SquirrelMail is a feature rich, standards compliant webmail application written in PHP. It was made by a group of volunteers united in the SquirrelMail Project Team and is released as open source, free software under the %sGNU General Public License%s."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "For more information about SquirrelMail and the SquirrelMail Project Team, see %sthe SquirrelMail website%s."
msgstr ""
msgid "System information"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "You are using SquirrelMail version: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "The administrator installed the following plugins:"
msgstr ""
msgid "none installed"
msgstr ""
msgid "sort by nickname"
msgstr ""
msgid "sort by name"
msgstr ""
msgid "sort by email"
msgstr ""
msgid "sort by info"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add to address book"
msgstr ""
msgid "Because PHP file uploads are turned off, you can not attach files to this message. Please see your system administrator for details."
msgstr ""
msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from."
msgstr ""
msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to."
msgstr ""
msgid "Last Refresh"
msgstr ""
msgid "Check mail"
msgstr "Провери Пошта"
msgid "Save folder tree"
msgstr ""
msgid "SquirrelMail Webmail Application"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "Compose Preferences"
msgstr "Organisation Preferences"
msgid "Control the behaviour and layout of writing new mail messages, replying to and forwarding messages."
msgstr ""
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Примени"
msgid "As Attachment"
msgstr "Како додаток"
msgid "Bypass Trash"
msgstr ""
msgid "Please enter something to search for"
msgstr "Внесете име за пребарување"
msgid "There must be at least one criteria to search for"
msgstr ""
msgid "Error in criteria argument"
msgstr ""
msgid "(Illegal date)"
msgstr ""
msgid "(Wrong date)"
msgstr ""
msgid "In"
msgstr ""
msgid "(Missing argument)"
msgstr ""
msgid "(Spurious argument)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fold"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unfold"
msgstr ""
msgid "Saved Searches"
msgstr "Снимени пребарувања"
msgid "Missing"
msgstr "Недостасува"
msgid "and subfolders:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Exclude Criteria:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Search Criteria"
msgstr "Критериум за пребарување"
msgid "Add New Criteria"
msgstr ""
msgid "Remove Excluded Criteria"
msgstr ""
msgid "Remove All Criteria"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not"
msgstr ""
msgid "Answered"
msgstr "Одговорено"
msgid "Before"
msgstr "Претходно"
msgid "Message Body"
msgstr ""
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Draft"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flagged"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sent By"
msgstr "Испратено од"
msgid "Header Field"
msgstr "Поле на Заглавјето"
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr ""
msgid "Larger Than"
msgstr ""
msgid "Old"
msgstr ""
msgid "On"
msgstr "Вклучено"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr ""
msgid "Seen"
msgstr "Видено"
msgid "Sent Before"
msgstr "Испратено Претходно"
msgid "Sent On"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sent Since"
msgstr ""
msgid "Since"
msgstr ""
msgid "Smaller Than"
msgstr ""
msgid "Subject Contains"
msgstr ""
msgid "Header and Body"
msgstr "Заглавје и Порака"
msgid "Sent To"
msgstr "Испратено до"
msgid "And In"
msgstr "И во"
msgid "Or In"
msgstr "Или во"
msgid "And"
msgstr "И"
msgid "Or"
msgstr "Или"
msgid "Standard search"
msgstr "Стандардно пребарување"
msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr "Напредно пребарување"
msgid "Folder List"
msgstr ""
msgid "PHP install does not have LDAP support."
msgstr ""
msgid "Click here to change the sorting of the address list"
msgstr ""
msgid "Illegal folder name."
msgstr "Недозволено име на директориум"
#, php-format
msgid "The name may not contain any of the following: %s"
msgstr "Името не смее да содржи некои од следните: %s"
msgid "Please select a different name."
msgstr "Ве молиме изберете друго корисничко име."
msgid "You have not selected a folder to subscribe. Please do so."
msgstr ""
msgid "You have not selected a folder to unsubscribe. Please do so."
msgstr ""
msgid "Possible reason:"
msgstr ""
msgid "ERROR: Bad function call."
msgstr ""
msgid "Reason:"
msgstr ""
msgid "TLS is enabled, but this version of PHP does not support TLS sockets, or is missing the openssl extension."
msgstr ""
msgid "Your mailbox is not located at this server. Try a different server or consult your system administrator"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown recipient"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unflag"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flag"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undelete"
msgstr ""
msgid "General Message Composition"
msgstr ""
msgid "Replying and Forwarding Messages"
msgstr ""
msgid "Strip signature when replying"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable Fancy Row Mouseover Highlighting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message Flags Icon Theme"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show Flag / Unflag Buttons"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use Compact Page Selector"
msgstr ""
msgid "Length of From/To Field (0 for full)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Length of Subject Field (0 for full)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Message Display Options"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show 'Delete & Prev/Next' Links"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save Replies with Original Message"
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "%d Minute"
msgid_plural "%d Minutes"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "Show only subscribed folders"
msgstr ""
msgid "XP"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hide SquirrelMail Header"
msgstr "Сокриј го SquirrelMail заглавјето"
msgid "Search functions"
msgstr "Функции за пребарување"
msgid "Only basic search"
msgstr "Основно пребарување"
msgid "Only advanced search"
msgstr "Само напредно пребарување"
msgid "Both search functions"
msgstr "И двете функции за пребарување"
msgid "Show alternative language names"
msgstr ""
msgid "Available languages"
msgstr "Јазици"
msgid "Enable aggressive decoding"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tweaks"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use advanced tree folder listing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use icons"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use PHP recode functions"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use PHP iconv functions"
msgstr ""
msgid "Allow remote configuration test"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show System Specifications"
msgstr ""
msgid "Search Mailing List Archives"
msgstr "Пребарај ги архивите на Меијлинг листите"
msgid "Search SourceForge Bugtracker"
msgstr ""
msgid "Search for words:"
msgstr "Пребарувај зборови:"
msgid "Written by:"
msgstr "Напишано од:"
msgid "Email addresses only"
msgstr "Само E-Mail адреси"
msgid "Mailing list:"
msgstr ""
msgid "SquirrelMail users list"
msgstr ""
msgid "SquirrelMail plugins list"
msgstr ""
msgid "SquirrelMail developers list"
msgstr ""
msgid "SquirrelMail internationalization list"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sort by:"
msgstr "Подредено според:"
msgid "Relevance"
msgstr ""
msgid "Search Archives"
msgstr "Пребарувај архиви"
msgid "Reset Form"
msgstr ""
msgid "Summary keyword:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sort By:"
msgstr "Подредено според:"
msgid "ID"
msgstr ""
msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""
msgid "Open Date"
msgstr ""
msgid "Close Date"
msgstr ""
msgid "Submitter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Assignee"
msgstr ""
msgid "Order:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr "Растечки"
msgid "Descending"
msgstr ""
msgid "Search Bugtracker"
msgstr ""
msgid "You must type in a new password."
msgstr "Мора да внесете нова лозинка."
msgid "You must also type in your new password in the verify box."
msgstr "Мора да ја внесете новата лозинка и во полето за потврдување."
msgid "Your new password does not match the verify password."
msgstr "Вашата нова лозинка не се поклопува со лозинка за проверка."
msgid "You must type in your current password."
msgstr ""
msgid "Your current password is not correct."
msgstr "Вашата лозинка не е точна"
#, php-format
msgid "Your new password should be %s to %s characters long."
msgstr "Вашата нова лозинка треба да биде од %s до %s карактери долга."
msgid "Your new password contains invalid characters."
msgstr "Вашата нова лозинка содржи невалидни карактери."
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Промени Лозинка"
msgid "Current Password:"
msgstr "Сегашна Лозинка:"
msgid "New Password:"
msgstr "Нова Лозинка:"
msgid "Verify New Password:"
msgstr "Потврди ја новата Лозинка:"
msgid "Use this to change your email password."
msgstr "Искористете го ова за да ја промените лозинката на вашиот E-Mail"
msgid "User's Password"
msgstr "Лозинка на Корисникот"
msgid "Current configuration requires LDAP support in PHP."
msgstr ""
msgid "Plugin is not configured correctly."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Setting of LDAP connection option %s to value %s failed."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Incorrect LDAP connection option: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Current PHP LDAP extension does not allow use of ldap_set_option() function."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to use TLS."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Грешка: %s"
msgid "Unable to use LDAP TLS in current setup."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to bind to LDAP server."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Server replied: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to find user's password attribute."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to rebind to LDAP server."
msgstr ""
msgid "LDAP server uses different attribute to store user's password."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to connect to LDAP server."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to find user's DN."
msgstr ""
msgid "Search error."
msgstr "Грешка рпи пребарувањето"
msgid "Multiple userid matches found."
msgstr ""
msgid "ldap_get_dn error."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Unsupported crypto: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "PHP mhash extension is missing."
msgstr ""
msgid "System crypt library doesn't support standard DES crypt."
msgstr ""
msgid "System crypt library doesn't have MD5 support."
msgstr ""
msgid "System crypt library doesn't support extended DES crypt."
msgstr ""
msgid "System crypt library doesn't have Blowfish support."
msgstr ""
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "непознато"
msgid "Unable to validate user's password."
msgstr ""
msgid "Blowfish is not supported by webserver's system crypt library."
msgstr ""
msgid "MD5 is not supported by webserver's system crypt library."
msgstr ""
msgid "Extended DES crypt is not supported by webserver's system crypt library."
msgstr ""
msgid "Standard DES crypt is not supported by webserver's system crypt library."
msgstr ""
msgid "PHP Curl extension is NOT available! Unable to change password!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cannot change password! (Is user 'Self Configurable User' ?) (401)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cannot change password!"
msgstr "Не може да се промени лозинката!"
msgid "Cannot connect to Database Server, please try later!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Database not found on server"
msgstr ""
msgid "SQL call failed, try again later."
msgstr ""
msgid "Duplicate login entries detected, cannot change password!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Password change was not successful!"
msgstr "Промената на лозинката не беше успешна!"
msgid "Closing Connection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Connecting to Password Server"
msgstr ""
msgid "No valid backend defined."
msgstr ""
msgid "Incorrent path to vmail.inc file."
msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid or corrupted vmail.inc file."
msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid user."
msgstr ""
msgid "Empty domain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Empty domain password"
msgstr ""
msgid "Empty username"
msgstr ""
msgid "Empty new password"
msgstr ""
msgid "Server Capability response:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select the IMAP commands you would like to run. Most commands require a selected mailbox so the select command is already setup. You can clear all the commands and test your own IMAP command strings. The commands are executed in order. The default values are simple IMAP commands using your default_charset and folder_prefix from SquirrelMail when needed."
msgstr ""
msgid "NOTE: These commands are live, any changes made will effect your current email account."
msgstr ""
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Избери"
msgid "Test Name"
msgstr ""
msgid "IMAP command string"
msgstr ""
msgid "Request:"
msgstr "Барање:"
msgid "No POP3 servers configured yet."
msgstr ""
msgid "Click here to go to the options page."
msgstr ""
#, php-format
msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains %s message"
msgid_plural "Login OK: Inbox contains %s messages"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "Width of popup window:"
msgstr ""
msgid "If set to 0, reverts to default value"
msgstr ""
msgid "Height of popup window:"
msgstr ""
msgid "uploaded media file"
msgstr ""
msgid "none"
msgstr "Ништо"
msgid "Upload Media File:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Uploaded Media File:"
msgstr ""
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "недостапен"
#, php-format
msgid "Media file %s will be removed, if you upload other media file."
msgstr ""
msgid "Spam Service Type:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Free reporting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Member services"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save Service Type"
msgstr ""
msgid "SpamCop reporting"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "Translation Theme:"
msgstr "Organisation Name"
msgid "Selected translation engine is disabled. Please update your translation preferences."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "Translation Preferences"
msgstr "Organisation Preferences"
msgid "Maximum of 25 kilobytes translated, powered by Systran"
msgstr "Максимум 25 килобајти преведени, потпомогнато од Systran "
msgid "No known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
msgstr "Нема познати ограничувања, потпомогнато од GPLTrans (слободен, отворен извор) "
msgid "Transliterate unknown words:"
msgstr "Преведи ги непознатите зборови:"
msgid "When composing:"
msgstr "При составување:"
msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
msgstr "Сеуште не функционира, моментално не врши никаква функција"
msgid "Delivery error report"
msgstr "Рапорт при погрешно доставување на пораката"
msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
msgstr "Недоставени заглавја на пораката"
msgid "This image has been removed for security reasons"
msgstr "Оваа слика е отстранета поради безбедносни причини"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
#~ "helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized "
#~ "and your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted "
#~ "with the password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for "
#~ "anyone to see what is stored in your personal dictionary.
#~ "ATTENTION: If you forget your password, your personal "
#~ "dictionary will become unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. "
#~ "If you change your mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and "
#~ "prompt you for your old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary "
#~ "with a new key.
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
#~ "helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromised "
#~ "and your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted "
#~ "with the password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for "
#~ "anyone to see what is stored in your personal dictionary.
#~ "ATTENTION: If you forget your password, your personal "
#~ "dictionary will become unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. "
#~ "If you change your mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognise it and "
#~ "prompt you for your old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary "
#~ "with a new key.