# translation of abook_import_export.po to Dutch
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Rinse de Vries <rinsedevries@kde.nl>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: abook_import_export\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-07-22 19:44+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-02 21:08+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Rinse de Vries <rinsedevries@kde.nl>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch <squirrelmail-i18n@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: address_book_export.php:90 address_book_import.php:177
msgid "You must use different symbols for text and field delimiters."
msgstr "Gebruik verschillende symbolen voor tekst- en veldscheidingstekens."

#: address_book_export.php:91 address_book_export.php:100
#: address_book_import.php:113 address_book_import.php:375
#, php-format
msgid "Return to main %sAddress Book%s page."
msgstr "Terug naar hoofd %sadresboek%s pagina"

#: address_book_export.php:99
msgid "Selected address book is empty."
msgstr "Geselecteerd adresboek is leeg."

#. Detect PHP 4.2.0+ upload error codes (http://www.php.net/features.file-upload.errors)
#: address_book_import.php:85
msgid "Please select a file for uploading."
msgstr "Selecteer een bestand om te uploaden."

#: address_book_import.php:89
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds PHP upload_max_filesize limits."
msgstr "Het geüploade bestand overschreidt het limiet van PHP upload_max_filesize."

#: address_book_import.php:92
msgid ""
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in "
"the HTML."
msgstr "Het geüploade bestand overschreidt de aanwijzing MAX_FILE_SIZE die in de HTML-code is gespecificeerd."

#: address_book_import.php:95
msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."
msgstr "Het geüploade bestand is slechts gedeeletijk geüpload."

#: address_book_import.php:98
msgid "No file was uploaded."
msgstr "Er is geen bestand geüpload."

#: address_book_import.php:101
msgid "Missing a temporary directory."
msgstr "Er ontbreekt een tijdelijke map."

#: address_book_import.php:104
msgid "Failed to write file to disk."
msgstr "Schrijven naar de schijf is mislukt."

#: address_book_import.php:107
msgid "Unknown upload error."
msgstr "Onbekende uploadfout."

#: address_book_import.php:116
msgid "Upload error"
msgstr "Uploadfout"

#. i18n: %s displays 'somenumber B', 'somenumber KB' or 'somenumber MB'.
#: address_book_import.php:119
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Imported CSV file is too big. Contact your system administrator, if you want "
"to import files, that are bigger than %s."
msgstr "Het geïmporteerde CSV-bestand is te groot. Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder als u bestanden wilt importeren die groter zijn dan %s."

#: address_book_import.php:150
msgid "Error, could not open address file."
msgstr "Fout: kon adresbestand niet openen."

#. Title of column with row numbers
#: address_book_import.php:265
msgid "No#"
msgstr "Nr#"

#. Title of column with omit checkbox
#: address_book_import.php:267
msgid "Omit"
msgstr "Overslaan"

#: address_book_import.php:319
msgid "Add to address book: "
msgstr "Aan adresboek toevoegen: "

#. display import button only after table is loaded
#: address_book_import.php:326
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Voltooien"

#. *
#. * $csvdata is empty. User tried to import empty file or $error contains fatal
#. * processing error message.
#: address_book_import.php:333
msgid "Nothing to import"
msgstr "Niets om te importeren"

#: address_book_import.php:334
msgid "Return to Address Book"
msgstr "Terug naar adresboek"

#: address_book_import.php:339
msgid "The following rows have errors"
msgstr "De volgende rijen bevatten fouten"

#. unable to move file to temp directory
#: address_book_import.php:344
msgid "Can't move uploaded file to attachment directory."
msgstr "Kan geüpload bestand niet verplaatsen naar de bijlagenmap."

#. $csvdata is not available or is not array.
#: address_book_import.php:374
msgid "Unable to access uploaded data. Contact your system administrator."
msgstr "Geen toegang tot de geüploade gegevens. Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder."

#. displays row number that can't be imported. SquirrelMail
#. address book backend error message is displayed after it.
#: address_book_import.php:445
#, php-format
msgid "Row %d:"
msgstr "Rij %d:"

#: address_book_import.php:463
msgid ""
"There were errors uploading the data, as listed below. Entries not listed "
"here were uploaded."
msgstr "Er deden zich fouten voor tijdens het uploaden van de gegevens. Hieronder vindt u een lijst met fouten. Items die niet in de lijst staan zijn geüpload."

#: address_book_import.php:467
msgid "Upload Completed!"
msgstr "Upload voltooid!"

#: address_book_import.php:469
msgid "Click on the link below to verify your work."
msgstr "Klik op onderstaande link om uw werk te controleren."

#: address_book_import.php:473
msgid "Addresses"
msgstr "Adressen"

#: functions.php:101
msgid "Single quotes (')"
msgstr "Enkele aanhalingstekens (')"

#: functions.php:102
msgid "Double quotes (\")"
msgstr "Dubbele aanhalingstekens (\")"

#: functions.php:103
msgid "Comma (,)"
msgstr "Komma (,)"

#: functions.php:104
msgid "Semicolon (;)"
msgstr "Puntkomma (;)"

#: functions.php:105
msgid "Custom delimiter"
msgstr "Aangepast scheidingsteken"

#: functions.php:112
msgid "Address book import"
msgstr "Adresboekimport"

#: functions.php:125
msgid "Select file:"
msgstr "Bestand selecteren:"

#: functions.php:130
msgid "Max:"
msgstr "Max:"

#: functions.php:134
msgid "Input character set:"
msgstr "Invoertekenset:"

#: functions.php:138 functions.php:187
msgid "Field delimiter:"
msgstr "Veldscheidingsteken:"

#: functions.php:142 functions.php:191
msgid "Custom field delimiter:"
msgstr "Aangepast veldscheidingsteken:"

#: functions.php:148 functions.php:201
msgid "Text delimiter:"
msgstr "Tekstscheidingsteken:"

#: functions.php:152 functions.php:205
msgid "Custom text delimiter:"
msgstr "Aangepast tekstscheidingsteken:"

#: functions.php:157
msgid "Import CSV File"
msgstr "CSV-bestand importeren"

#: functions.php:165 functions.php:529
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "FOUT"

#: functions.php:167
msgid "Address book uploads are disabled."
msgstr "Het uploaden van adresboeken is uitgeschakeld."

#: functions.php:175
msgid "Address book export"
msgstr "Adresboekexport"

#: functions.php:212
msgid "Use address book:"
msgstr "Adresboek gebruiken:"

#: functions.php:219
msgid "Export to CSV File"
msgstr "Naar CSV-bestand exporteren"

#: functions.php:241
#, php-format
msgid "%s MB"
msgstr "%s MB"

#: functions.php:243
#, php-format
msgid "%s KB"
msgstr "%s KB"

#: functions.php:245
#, php-format
msgid "%s B"
msgstr "%s B"

#: functions.php:271
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Bijnaam"

#: functions.php:273
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Voornaam"

#: functions.php:275
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Achternaam"

#: functions.php:277
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"

#: functions.php:279
msgid "Additional Info"
msgstr "Aanvullende info"

#: functions.php:281
msgid "Do Not Include"
msgstr "Niet insluiten"

#: functions.php:318
msgid "LDIF import is not supported."
msgstr "LDIF-import wordt niet ondersteund."