# SquirrelMail sasql plugin Ukrainian translation # Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The SquirrelMail Project Team # Serhij Dubyk , 2006. # $Id: sasql.po 13696 2009-05-14 06:27:08Z jervfors $ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: sasql\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2005-03-29 08:36-0700\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-04-19 10:41+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Serhij Dubyk \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.10\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Ukrainian\n" "X-Poedit-Country: UKRAINE\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" #: dspam.inc.php:82 msgid "DSPAM Settings" msgstr "Параметры DSPAM " #: dspam.inc.php:89 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Попередження" #: dspam.inc.php:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Enabling DSPAM will disable SpamAssassin scanning of your email." msgstr "Если включить dspam, то обработка писем с помощью SpamAssassin будет отключена." #: dspam.inc.php:94 msgid "SpamAssassin settings and white/blacklists will not be used by dspam." msgstr "dspam не використовує параметри Spamassassin і його чорні і білі списки." #. * #. * To translators: %s's will be replaced with and #. #: dspam.inc.php:102 #, fuzzy, php-format msgid "This %sFAQ%s from the DSPAM web site explains the differences between SpamAssassin and DSPAM and why you might want to use dspam instead of SpamAssassin." msgstr "На странице Вопросов и ответов сайта dspam объясняется разница между SpamAssassin и dspam и в каких случаях предпочтительнее использовать dspam." #: dspam.inc.php:113 #, fuzzy msgid "DSPAM is a learning system that filters spam based on what you tell it is spam and what isn't. Messages are analyzed as they are delivered and are assigned a spam probability between 0 and 1. The more messages you receive, both spam and innocent, the better DSPAM learns what you think is spam and what is not." msgstr "dspam - это обучаемая система, которой вы сами говорите, какие письма - это спам, а какие - нет. Поступающим сообщениям присваивается вероятностный рейтинг спама (в пределах от 0 до 1). Чем больше будет обработано писем, и обычных, и спама, тем лучше dspam будет знать, что именно вы сами считаете спамом." #: dspam.inc.php:117 msgid "Reporting Spam" msgstr "Повідомлення про спам" #: dspam.inc.php:120 msgid "If you receive a spam message in your Inbox, forward the message to username-spam@domain and it will be learned as spam. For example, if your address is joe@example.com, you would forward the message to joe-spam@example.com." msgstr "Якщо вам прийшов спам, перешліть цей лист на адресу username-spam@domain, щоб програма внесла його до своєї бази спаму. Наприклад, якщо ваша адреса - це joe@example.com, повідомлення слід переслати на адресу joe-spam@example.com." #: dspam.inc.php:126 #, php-format msgid "You can also move your spam messages to the %s folder. This folder is periodically checked for messages which are then learned as spam and deleted. You do not need to move messages from your %s folder here because they have already been learned as spam." msgstr "Можна також помістити спам в теку %s. Ця тека періодично перевірятиметься на наявність листів, і все нові листи в ній заноситимуться в базу даних програми як спам і видалятимуться. Листи з теки %s зараз переміщати не потрібно, оскільки вони вже були занесені в базу спаму." #: dspam.inc.php:131 msgid "Reporting False Positives" msgstr "Повідомлення про помилкові спрацьовування" #: dspam.inc.php:134 #, fuzzy msgid "From time to time, DSPAM will catch an innocent messages as spam. These messages are called \"false positives\". There is no way to prevent false positives entirely. If you find a false positive, forward the message to username-fp@domain and it will be learned as an innocent message. For example, if your email address is joe@example.com, you would forward the message to joe-fp@example.com." msgstr "Изредка dspam принимает за спам обычные сообщения. Это называется ложным срабатыванием. Полностью этого избежать практически невозможно. Если это случилось, перешлите письмо на адрес username-fp@domain, и оно будет занесено в базу как не спам. Например, если ваш адрес - это joe@example.com, сообщение следует переслать на адрес joe-fp@example.com." #: dspam.inc.php:140 #, php-format msgid "You can also move your false positives to the %s folder from the %s folder. This folder is periodically checked for messages which are then learned as false positives and deleted." msgstr "Можна також переміщати такі ні в чому не повинні листи з теки %s у теку %s. Ця тека періодично перевірятиметься на наявність листів, і все нові листи в ній заноситимуться в базу даних програми як помилкові спрацьовування і видалятимуться." #: dspam.inc.php:145 msgid "Disclaimer" msgstr "Увага" #: dspam.inc.php:148 msgid "DSPAM is a learning system. It only knows what is spam based on what you teach it is spam and what is not. Due to DSPAM's nature, you are more likely to see errors in spam detection until it is trained on your email. If you do not report a message as spam within ten days, the message will be permanently learned as innocent and you will be more likely to receive more spam." msgstr "dspam - це програма з навчаням. Вона дізнається про те, що таке спам, і що таке не спам від вас. Програма влаштована так, що помилок в розпізнаванні спаму буде все менше і менше у міру того, як програма навчається на вашій кореспонденції. Якщо протягом десяти днів ви не повідомили програму про те, що лист, що прийшов, - це спам, воно автоматично вважатиметься звичайним листом, і таким чином шанси того, що спам пройде через фільтри, збільшаться." #. * #. * To translators: %s's will be replaced by and #. #: dspam.inc.php:162 #, php-format msgid "Please read the %sDSPAM Primer%s before enabling DSPAM." msgstr "" #: dspam.inc.php:183 msgid "Use DSPAM" msgstr "Використовувати DSPAM" #. * #. * To translators: %s is the name of the spam folder. #. #: dspam.inc.php:198 #, php-format msgid "Clean out your %s folder on opt-in?" msgstr "Очищати теку %s після обробки?" #: dspam.inc.php:200 #: purge.inc.php:37 msgid "Note" msgstr "Примітка" #. * #. * To translators: %s is the name of the spam folder. #. #: dspam.inc.php:205 #: purge.inc.php:38 #, php-format msgid "Your %s folder may be unavailable during the purge. It will become available again when the purge is complete." msgstr "Під час очищення тека %s буде недоступна. Вона знов стане доступна після закінчення очищення." #: dspam.inc.php:214 msgid "Update" msgstr "Оновлення" #: move_to.php:98 msgid "No messages were selected." msgstr "Ніякі повідомлення не були вибрані." #: purge.inc.php:30 msgid "Purge" msgstr "Очистити" #: purge.inc.php:33 #, php-format msgid "Delete all messages from your %s folder." msgstr "Видалити всі повідомлення з теки %s." #: sa_abooksync.inc.php:20 msgid "Allow Senders from Address Book" msgstr "Дозволити відправників з адресної книги" #: sa_abooksync.inc.php:26 msgid "Allow" msgstr "Дозволити" #: sa_abooksync.inc.php:27 msgid "Allow all address in the address book." msgstr "Будуть дозволені всі адреси, включені до адресної книги." #. required_hists #: sa_opts-dist.php:19 msgid "Spam Score" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:20 msgid "Once all SpamAssassin tests have been run, the resulting score is matched against this value, and if greater than this value, the e-mail message is marked as spam. We recommend a value of '5'." msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:22 msgid "0 - Very Aggressive" msgstr "0 - дуже агресивний" #: sa_opts-dist.php:23 msgid "1" msgstr "1" #: sa_opts-dist.php:24 msgid "2 - Aggressive" msgstr "2 - агресивний" #: sa_opts-dist.php:25 msgid "3" msgstr "3" #: sa_opts-dist.php:26 msgid "4" msgstr "4" #: sa_opts-dist.php:27 msgid "5 - Recommended" msgstr "5 - рекомендований" #: sa_opts-dist.php:28 msgid "6" msgstr "6" #: sa_opts-dist.php:29 msgid "7" msgstr "7" #: sa_opts-dist.php:30 msgid "8 - Lenient" msgstr "8 - поблажливий" #: sa_opts-dist.php:31 msgid "9" msgstr "9" #: sa_opts-dist.php:32 msgid "10 - Very Lenient" msgstr "10 - дуже поблажливий" #: sa_opts-dist.php:33 msgid "Don't Filter" msgstr "Не фільтрувати" #. NOTE: The ordering here is a little odd to allow some inclusion of #. other option names. #. subject_tag #: sa_opts-dist.php:43 msgid "Spam Subject Tag" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:45 msgid "*****SPAM*****" msgstr "" #. rewrite_subject #: sa_opts-dist.php:48 #: sa_opts-dist.php:63 msgid "Rewrite Subject Line" msgstr "" #. To translators: %s is the default from subject_tag #: sa_opts-dist.php:50 #, php-format msgid "SpamAssassin can re-write the subject line of e-mail that has been determined to be spam by prefixing the original subject with: %s. To turn on this feature, select this option." msgstr "" #. This is here to allow me to include the rewrite_subject title #. * #. * To Translators: %s is the title from rewrite_subject #. #: sa_opts-dist.php:60 #, php-format msgid "The text to prefix to the subject of messages determined to be spam. %s must be turned on." msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:64 msgid "SpamAssassin can re-write the subject line of e-mail that has been determined to be spam by prefixing the original subject with this value." msgstr "" #. use_terse_report #: sa_opts-dist.php:70 msgid "Short Report" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:71 msgid "This option will tell SpamAssassin to use a shorter spam report once the message has been found to be spam." msgstr "" #. use_dcc #: sa_opts-dist.php:77 msgid "Use DCC" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:78 msgid "Checks messages against the DCC (Distrubuted Checksum Clearinghouse) to see if a message matches a known spam message." msgstr "" #. use_razor1 #: sa_opts-dist.php:84 msgid "Use SpamNet (version 1)" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:85 #: sa_opts-dist.php:92 msgid "Checks messages against SpamNet to see if a message is a known spam message." msgstr "" #. use_razor2 #: sa_opts-dist.php:91 msgid "Use SpamNet (version 2)" msgstr "" #. always_add_headers #: sa_opts-dist.php:98 msgid "Always Add Headers" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:99 msgid "Uncheck if you do not want to add the headers to non-spam." msgstr "" #. ok_languages #: sa_opts-dist.php:105 msgid "Acceptable Languages" msgstr "Прийнятні мови" #: sa_opts-dist.php:106 msgid "Select all the languages you expect to receive e-mail in." msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:112 msgid "All" msgstr "Все" #: sa_opts-dist.php:113 msgid "Afrikaans" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:114 msgid "Albanian" msgstr "Албанська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:115 msgid "Amharic" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:116 msgid "Arabic" msgstr "Арабська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:117 msgid "Armenian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:118 msgid "Basque" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:119 msgid "Bosnian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:120 msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "Болгарська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:121 msgid "Byelorussian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:122 msgid "Catalan" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:123 msgid "Chinese" msgstr "Китайська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:124 msgid "Croatian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:125 msgid "Czech" msgstr "Чеська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:126 msgid "Danish" msgstr "Данська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:127 msgid "Dutch" msgstr "Голландська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:128 msgid "English" msgstr "Англійська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:129 msgid "Esperanto" msgstr "Есперанто" #: sa_opts-dist.php:130 msgid "Estonian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:131 msgid "Finnish" msgstr "Фінська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:132 msgid "French" msgstr "Французька мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:133 msgid "Frisian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:134 msgid "Georgian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:135 msgid "German" msgstr "Німецька мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:136 msgid "Greek" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:137 msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "Іврит" #: sa_opts-dist.php:138 msgid "Hindi" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:139 msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "Угорська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:140 msgid "Icelandic" msgstr "Ісландська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:141 msgid "Indonesian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:142 msgid "Irish Gaelic" msgstr "Ірландська гельська Мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:143 msgid "Italian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:144 msgid "Japanese" msgstr "Японська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:145 msgid "Korean" msgstr "Корейська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:146 msgid "Latin" msgstr "Латинська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:147 msgid "Latvian" msgstr "Латиська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:148 msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:149 msgid "Malay" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:150 msgid "Marathi" msgstr "Мова маратхі" #: sa_opts-dist.php:151 msgid "Nepali" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:152 msgid "Norwegian" msgstr "Норвезька мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:153 msgid "Persian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:154 msgid "Polish" msgstr "Польська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:155 msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:156 msgid "Quechua" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:157 msgid "Rhaeto-Romance" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:158 msgid "Romanian" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:159 msgid "Russian" msgstr "Російська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:160 msgid "Sanskrit" msgstr "Санскрит" #: sa_opts-dist.php:161 msgid "Scots" msgstr "Шотландський діалект" #: sa_opts-dist.php:162 msgid "Scottish Gaelic" msgstr "Шотландська гельська Мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:163 msgid "Serbian" msgstr "Сербська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:164 msgid "Slovak" msgstr "Словацька мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:165 msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "Словенська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:166 msgid "Spanish" msgstr "Іспанська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:167 msgid "Swahili" msgstr "Суахілі" #: sa_opts-dist.php:168 msgid "Swedish" msgstr "Шведська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:169 msgid "Tagalog" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:170 msgid "Tamil" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:171 msgid "Thai" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:172 msgid "Turkish" msgstr "Турецька мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:173 msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "Українська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:174 msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:175 msgid "Welsh" msgstr "Валлійська мова" #: sa_opts-dist.php:176 msgid "Yiddish" msgstr "Ідиш" #. use_bayes #: sa_opts-dist.php:179 msgid "Use Bayesian Filter" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:180 msgid "The Baysian Filter will learn what is spam and what isn't to become a better filter." msgstr "" #. auto_learn #: sa_opts-dist.php:186 msgid "Auto-learn" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:187 msgid "Automatically feed high and low scoring mails into SpamAssassin's learning systems. (Currently, only Bayesian filtering is supported.)" msgstr "" #. report_safe #: sa_opts-dist.php:193 msgid "Spam Encapsulation" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:194 msgid "Encapsulate spam messages into a MIME or plain-text attachment, or you can disable it altogether." msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:196 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:197 msgid "MIME Attachment" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:198 msgid "Text Attachment" msgstr "" #. These options were removed as of SpamAssassin 2.50-ish #. They are here for those running older versions of SA. #. report_header #: sa_opts-dist.php:205 msgid "Report in Header" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:206 msgid "SpamAssassin will create a report when it determines an e-mail message to be spam. This report is normally prepended to the e-mail message. To have the report written as part of the e-mail header, select this option." msgstr "" #. defang_mime #: sa_opts-dist.php:212 msgid "Reformat HTML Spam" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:213 msgid "When an e-mail in HTML format is determined to be spam, SpamAssassin can convert the message to text. To allow this, select this option." msgstr "" #. White/black list info #: sa_opts-dist.php:243 msgid "Whitelist From" msgstr "Білий список - Від" #: sa_opts-dist.php:244 msgid "E-mail from these addresses will not be marked as spam. You may use '*' as a wildcard to allow a large number of addresses at one time. E.g. Whitelist From '*@aol.com' will not mark any message that claims to be from aol.com as spam." msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:246 msgid "Don't Whitelist From" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:247 msgid "This address will be excluded from a previous whitelist and will be treated as a normal address, i.e. it will not be automatically allowed." msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:249 msgid "Blacklist From" msgstr "Чорний список - Від" #: sa_opts-dist.php:250 msgid "E-mail from these addresses will always be marked as spam. You may use '*' as a wildcard to block a large number of addresses at one time. E.g. Blacklist From '*@aol.com' will mark all messages that claims to be from aol.com as spam." msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:252 msgid "Don't Blacklist From" msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:253 msgid "This address will be excluded from a previous blacklist and will be treated as a normal address, i.e. it will not be automatically denied." msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:255 msgid "Whitelist To" msgstr "Білий список - Кому" #: sa_opts-dist.php:256 msgid "E-mail to these addresses will not be marked as spam. This is useful for allowing e-mail lists. For example, you can allow all messages from an e-mail list that sends to 'Tofu-Support-List@beeflovers.com'. You may use '*' as a wildcard to allow a large number of addresses at one time. E.g. Whitelist To '*@aol.com' will not mark any message that claims to be to aol.com as spam." msgstr "" #: sa_opts-dist.php:258 msgid "Blacklist To" msgstr "Чорний Список - До" #: sa_opts-dist.php:259 msgid "E-mail to these addresses will be marked as spam. You may use '*' as a wildcard to reject a large number of addresses at one time. E.g. Blacklist To '*@aol.com' will mark all messages that claims to be to aol.com as spam." msgstr "" #: sa_settings.inc.php:114 msgid "General Settings" msgstr "Загальні параметри" #: sa_settings.inc.php:173 msgid "Save Settings" msgstr "Зберегти параметри" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:43 #: sasql_wblist.php:41 msgid "Error: You must include an e-mail address." msgstr "Слід вказати електронну адресу." #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:49 #: sasql_wblist.php:48 msgid "Error: You have entered an invalid e-mail address." msgstr "Вказана невірна електронна адреса." #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:53 msgid "Error: You must select Allow or Deny." msgstr "Слід вибрати Дозволити або Заборонити." #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:76 msgid "Global Allow / Deny Address List" msgstr "Список глобально дозволених або заборонених адрес" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:83 #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:125 msgid "Address" msgstr "Адреса" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:84 #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:126 msgid "Type" msgstr "Тип" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:118 msgid "Personal Allow / Deny Address List" msgstr "Список особистих дозволених або заборонених адрес" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:127 msgid "Action" msgstr "Дія" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:134 msgid "Address Removed" msgstr "Адреса видалена" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:160 #, php-format msgid "Unknown option: %s" msgstr "" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:168 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Видалити" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:174 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Змінити" #. echo $edit; #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:188 msgid "Edit Address" msgstr "Змінити адресу" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:194 msgid "Add New Address" msgstr "Додати адресу" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:220 msgid "Address:" msgstr "Адреса:" #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:224 msgid "Type:" msgstr "Тип:" #. End Form #. Help #: sa_whitelist.inc.php:245 msgid "Legend" msgstr "" #. To translators: %s's are the function name #. and PEAR generated error message. #. #: sasql_db.php:14 #: sasql_db.php:37 #: sasql_db.php:121 #: sasql_db.php:165 #: sasql_db.php:206 #: sasql_db.php:246 #: sasql_db.php:263 #: sasql_db.php:296 #: sasql_db.php:326 #, php-format msgid "Database error in %s: %s" msgstr "Помилка бази даних в %s: %s" #. To translators: %s's are the function name #. and PEAR generated error message. #. #: sasql_db.php:188 #, php-format msgid "Database error: %s" msgstr "Помилка бази даних: %s" #: sasql_db.php:227 #, php-format msgid "sasql_AddPref_multiple Database error: %s" msgstr "Помилка бази даних sasql_AddPref_multiple: %s" #. To translators: %s's are the function name #. and PEAR generated error message. #. #: sasql_db.php:280 #, php-format msgid "Database error %s: %s" msgstr "Помилка бази даних %s: %s" #: sasql_hooks.php:104 #: sasql_options.php:62 msgid "Spam Filters" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:106 msgid "Configure the behavior of your spam filters." msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:199 msgid "Add Email to Whitelist" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:200 msgid "Allow Sender" msgstr "Дозволити відправника" #: sasql_hooks.php:201 msgid "Remove Email from Whitelist" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:202 #: sasql_hooks.php:204 #: sasql_hooks.php:209 #: sasql_hooks.php:211 msgid "remove" msgstr "видалити" #: sasql_hooks.php:203 msgid "Remove Domain from Whitelist" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:206 msgid "Add Email to Blacklist" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:207 msgid "Block Sender" msgstr "Заблокувати відправника" #: sasql_hooks.php:208 msgid "Remove Email from Blacklist" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:210 msgid "Remove Domain from Blacklist" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:217 msgid "Address is already in your whitelist" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:218 #: sasql_hooks.php:226 msgid "Whitelisted" msgstr "У білому списку" #: sasql_hooks.php:225 msgid "Domain is already in your whitelist" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:239 msgid "Address is already in your blacklist" msgstr "Адреса знаходиться вже у вашому чорному списку" #: sasql_hooks.php:240 #: sasql_hooks.php:248 msgid "Blacklisted" msgstr "У чорному списку" #: sasql_hooks.php:247 msgid "Domain is already in your blacklist" msgstr "Домен знаходиться вже у вашому чорному списку" #: sasql_hooks.php:291 #: sasql_hooks.php:349 msgid "Learn as False Positive" msgstr "" #: sasql_hooks.php:295 #: sasql_hooks.php:353 msgid "Learn as Spam" msgstr "" #: sasql_options.php:62 msgid "Options" msgstr "Параметри" #: sasql_wblist.php:53 msgid "Error: Missing option." msgstr "Параметр не вказаний."